Card views
Cards can be categorized and grouped under different views.
Learn more about the different views in Qntrl.
- To switch between views, tap the dropdown in the top-left of the card screen.
- Tap a view name. All the cards available under the chosen view is displayed.
Other actions in cards
Filter, sort, and group cards
You can filter cards, sort their order, or group them to suit your requirements.
- To filter the cards, tap
in the bottom-left corner, select the required filters, and tap Apply . You can also save a filter criteria as custom view.
- To sort and group cards, tap
in the bottom-right corner, choose the required sort and group options, then tap Apply.
You can perform filter, sort, and group actions from the forms page and cards page.
Edit or delete cards
- To edit the card details, tap
in the top-right corner, modify, and tap Save.
- To delete a card, tap
and confirm.
Search cards
You can search for cards using the card name or card ID.
- Tap
from the top band of the app and enter a search string to find the card.
Employees in your organization can be added as users to Qntrl. A dropdown at the top of users tab lists Active, Inactive, Unconfirmed, and Deleted user lists.
Add user
To add a new card:
- Tap the
icon inside the Users tab.
- Enter the email address, profile, roles, team, and manager of the new user.
- Tap Save.
Once the user is added, an invite email will be sent to their inbox.
Stay informed about the progress of cards using notifications. Tap
from the top band of the app to view all the activities performed.
My Requests
To view all the requests created by you, tap
and select
My Requests.
Reports help users to evaluate the progress of their organization. Using Qntrl's mobile application you can view the default as well as custom reports.
Get to know about our default reports
here . The edit, filter, and chart options are not supported in our mobile application yet.
Custom reports will be displayed under the configured folders.
Client scripts
Client scripts are validations that take place at the end user's browser when adding or updating business data in a Card.
Client scripts will be executed in the mobile app in the following scenarios:
Display data from the script as a toast message.
Trigger alerts or messages for field validations.
Run arithmetic operations on the field values and display the results in another field.
Set a value to a specific field.
Users can customize their application settings here. To navigate to settings, tap
and choose
Settings .
Organization Settings
Choose organization
If you are a part of more than one organization, you can switch between organizations here.
- Tap Choose Organization .
- Tap the organization name you wish to visit.
Sync profile permissions
To sync any modifications made to user profiles in the product, tap Sync profile permissions.
Privacy and Security
Passcode lock
You can set up a 4-digit passcode as an additional layer of security for your data saved in the Qntrl app.
Push Notifications
You can receive push notifications from the Qntrl app whenever there is an update in the card.
Text copy
Enabling this option lets the user copy text from the app to the device's clipboard. This copied text will be accessible in other applications too.
Send diagnostics and usage statistics
You can help our developers improve the application by sharing your usage statistics.
Crash reports
Crash reports allow users to alert the app developers whenever there is a crash in the application.
Send anonymously
Check this option to share your diagnostics and usage statistics or crash reports anonymously.
General notes
- Extensions installed from the web are supported at locations such as attachments, comments, and during transition section of blueprint.
- Business rules, webhooks, custom functions, and email templates configured in the web will be triggered when related activities are performed in the mobile app.
- Users, teams, user roles, and profiles configured in the web are applicable in the mobile app.