Standard Modules and Fields in Vertical CRM

Standard Modules and Fields

Vertical Solutions provides you with a few standard modules that you can readily use. These predefined modules come with a set of default fields and layout. When you create a new solution from your Developer account, you can select the standard modules you want to include for the particular solution.

The following is the list of standard modules provided by Zoho Platform that can be included in your vertical CRM application.

The following tables give the list of supported fields in the Zoho Platform Modules along with their description. All the activities mentioned in the description are to be performed by the customers who use your Vertical CRM.


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Lead Owner Specify the users to whom the Lead is assigned to. Lookup -
Salutation Select the salutation from the drop-down list. Pick list -
First Name Specify the first name of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Title Specify the job position of the lead Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Last Name* Specify the last name of the lead. This field is a mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(80)
Company* Specify the name of the company where the lead is working. This field is a mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Lead Source Select the source of the lead, that is, from where the lead is generated. Pick list -
Industry Select the industry to which the lead belongs. Pick list -
Annual Revenue Specify the annual revenue of the company where the lead is working. Currency Decimal (16)
Phone Specify the phone number of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Mobile Specify the mobile number of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Fax Specify the fax number of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Email Specify the email address of the lead. Email Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Secondary Email Specify another email address of the lead. Email Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Skype ID Specify the Skype ID of the lead. Currently skype ID can be in the range of 6 to 32 characters. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Web site Specify the Web site of the lead. URL Alphanumeric(120)
Lead Status Select the status of the lead from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Rating Select the rating of the lead from the drop-down list. Pick list -
No. of Employees Specify the number of employees in lead's company. Numeric Integer (16)
Email Opt-out Select the check-box to remove leads from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your Vertical CRM account. Check box -
Campaign Source Select the campaign related to the Lead Lookup  
Created By Displays name of the user created the Lead first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the Lead. Date/Time  
Street Specify the street address of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(250)
City Specify the name of the city where the lead lives. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
State Specify the name of the state where the lead lives. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Zip Code Specify the postal code of the lead's address. Numeric Alphanumeric(30)
Country Specify the name of the lead's country. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about the lead. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Account Name * Specify the company name. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Account Owner Select the name of the user to whom the account is assigned. Look up -
Website Specify the URL of the company's Web site. URL Alphanumeric(30)
Ticker Symbol Specify the ticker symbol of the Company. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Parent Account Select the parent company name from the Change pop-up dialog. Lookup  
Employees Specify the number of employees in account's company. Numeric Integers(10)
Ownership Specify the type of ownership of the company. Picklist  
Industry Select the type of industry from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Account Type Select the type of account from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Account Number Specify the reference number for account. Up to 40 characters are allowed in this field. Numeric Number
Account Site Specify the name of the account’s location, for example, Headquarters or London. Up to 80 characters are allowed in this field. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Phone Specify phone number of the account. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Fax Specify fax number of the account. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
E-mail Specify the official E-mail address of the account. E-mail Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Rating Specify the rating of the account. Pick list -
SIC Code Specify the Standard Industrial Classification code of the account. Text box Integers(10)
Created By Displays name of the user created the Account first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the Account. Date/Time  
Annual Revenue Specify the annual revenue of the account. Numeric Integers(10)
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Code
  • Country
Specify the billing address of the account to send the quotes, invoices, and other agreements.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Code
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the account to deliver the shipment.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about the account. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Contact Owner Select the user to whom the account is assigned. Lookup -
Salutation Select the Salutation of the contact, such as Mr., Ms, Mrs., or others. Pick list  
First Name Specify the first name of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Last Name* Specify the last name of the contact. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Account Name Select the account related to the contact. Lookup -
Vendor Name Select the vendor related to the contact Lookup -
Campaign Source Select the Campaign related to the contact Lookup -
Lead Source Select the source from which the contact is created. Pick list -
Title Specify the job position of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Department Specify the department of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Date of Birth Specify the birthday of the contact to send greetings for a better relationship. Date -
Reports To Select the person to whom the contact reports Text area 255 characters
Created By Displays name of the user created the contact first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the contact Date/Time  
Email Opt Out Select the check-box to remove contacts from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your Vertical CRM account Check box -
Skype Id Specify the Skype ID of the contact. Currently skype ID can be in the range of 6 to 32 characters. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Phone Specify the office phone number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Mobile Specify the mobile number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Home Phone Specify the home phone number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Other Phone Specify the other phone number of the contact (if any). Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Fax Specify the Fax number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Email Specify the primary email address of the contact. Email Alphanumeric(100)
Secondary Email Specify another email address of the contact. Email Alphanumeric(100)
Assistant Specify the name of the contact’s assistant.    
Asst Phone Specify the phone number of the contact's assistant. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Mailing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Other Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the other address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about contact. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Potential Owner Select the name of the user to whom the potential is assigned. Lookup  
Potential Name* Specify name of the potential. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(120)
Account Name* Select name of the account to which potential has to be created. This field is mandatory. Lookup -
Type Select the type of potential (New Business or Existing Business) from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Lead Source Select the lead source from the drop-down list Pick list -
Campaign Source Select the campaign related to the contact. Lookup -
Contact Name Select the contact related to the Potential. Lookup  
Amount Specify the amount that can be expected after closing the potential. Currency  
Closing Date* Specify or select the expected close date. This field is mandatory. Date format -
Next Step Specify the next step of the sales process. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Stage* Select the sales stage from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory. Pick list -
Probability Specify the probability of closing an potential. Number  
Expected Revenue Calculated based on the Amount and potential Stage that you specify Currency  
Created By Displays name of the user created the potential first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the potential Date/Time  
Description Specify any other details about potential. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Campaign Owner Select the name of the user to whom the campaign is assigned. Pick list -
Campaign Name* Specify the name of the campaign. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Type Select the type of the campaign. Check box -
Status Select the status of the campaign. Pick List -
Start Date Specify the date on which the campaign starts. Date format -
End Date Specify the date on which the campaign ends. Date format -
Expected Revenue Specify the revenue expected after launching the campaign. Currency -
Actual Cost Specify the actual amount spent on the campaign. Currency -
Budgeted Cost Specify the planned amount to be spent on the campaign. Currency -
Expected Response Specify the campaign turnout percentage. Number  
Num sent Specify the number of leads/contacts to whom the campaign details has been sent. Text box Integers
Created By Displays name of the user created the campaign first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the campaign Date/Time  
Description Specify additional details about the campaign. Text area 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Year* Select the fiscal year from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Quarter* Select the quarter of the fiscal year. Pick list -
Month Display the month of the selected quarter. Month  
Quota Specify the quota for the month. Currency -
Closed Display the amount from the closed won potentials. Currency -
Committed Amount Specify the total amount a sales person confident of closing during forecast period. Currency -
Best Case Amount Specify the amount a sales person might be closing. This amount can be either more or less than Commit Amount. Currency -
Pipeline Displays the amount in the sales pipeline. Currency -
Owned By Displays the owner of the forecast. Lookup -
Created By Displays the person created the forecast first time. Date/Time format -
Last Modified By Displays the person modified the forecast. Date/Time format -


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Case Number Display the case ID after creating a case. Number 16 digit
Product Name Select the product name related to the case. Lookup -
Case Owner Select the name of the user to whom the case is assigned. Lookup -
Subject* Specify the title of the Case. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(255)
Priority Select the priority of the Case from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Status* Select the status of the Case from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Reported By Displays the name of the contact. - -
Related To Select the name of the contact who submitted the Case. Lookup -
Type Select the type of problem. It can be a general question, feature request, or real issue in your product/service. Pick list -
Case Origin* Select the source from which the case has been generated. You can select Email, Phone, or Website. If you select Email, you must specify the Email ID of the customer. Pick list -
Email Specify the Email ID of the contact. Email Alphanumeric and Special characters
Account Name Select the account related to the case Lookup  
Potential Name Select the Potential related to the case Lookup  
Phone Specify the phone number of the customer Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Case Reason Specify the reason for the case Pick list -
Description Specify complete details about the case. Text Area 32000 characters
Internal Comments Specify follow-up notes about case. Text Area 3000 characters
Solution Specify the solution provided Text Area 32000 characters
Add Comment specify the follow-up notes about the solution Text Area 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Solution Number Display the case ID after creating a solution Number 16 digit
Solution Title* Specify the subject of the solution. This field is mandatory Text box Alphanumeric(255)
Solution Owner Select the name of the user to whom the solution is assigned. Pick list -
Product Name Select the name of the product to which the solution has to be associated. Lookup -
Question* Select the priority of the solution from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory Text box, Alphanumeric Alphanumeric(255)
Answer* Specify solution details. This field is mandatory Text Area -
Status Specify the status of the solution. Pick list -
Created By Displays the person created the solution first time. Date/Time format  
Last Modified By Displays the person modified the solution Date/Time format  
Description Specify any other details about solution. Text box 32000 characters
Comments Specify additional comments about the solution. Text box 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Product Name* Specify the name of the product. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Product Owner Select the name of the user to whom the product is assigned. Pick list  
Product Code Specify the product identification. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Product Active Specify the status of the product. Check box -
Vendor Name Specify the name of the vendor. Lookup  
Product Category Select the category of the product. Pick list  
Sales Start Date Specify the date on which the product sales starts Date  
Sales End Date Specify the date on which the product sales ends Date  
Created By Displays the person created the product first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the product Date/Time format  
Commission Rate Specify the commission rate for selling the product. Numeric Decimal
Manufacturer Select the name of the product manufacturer. Pick list -
Unit Price Specify the unit price of the product. Currency  
Taxable Specify whether the product is a taxable product Check-box  
Product Category Select the category of the product. Pick list -
Support Start Date Select the date on which the product support starts. Date -
Support Expiry Date Select the date on which the product support ends. Date -
Usage Unit Displays the unit price of the product. Text box Alphanumeric
Qty Ordered Specify the number of units. Text box Integers
Qty in Stock Displays the stock quantity Text box Integers
Reorder Level Specify the Reorder value Text box Integers
Handler Select the user who is handling the product Lookup  
Qty in Demand Displays the demand quantity Text box Integers
Description Specify any other details about product. Text area (long text) 32000 characters

Price Books

Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Price book Owner Select the name of the user to whom the price book is assigned. Lookup -
Price book Name* Specify the name of the Price Book. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Active Select the Active check box to set the status of the Price Book as active. Check box -
Pricing Model Select the model of the price book Pick list -
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Description Specify any other details about Price Book. Text area (long text) 32000characters
Pricing details
  • From Range
  • To Range
  • Discount
Specify the Pricing details
  • From Range - Text box
  • To Range - Text box
  • Discount - Percent
Decimal (20)


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Quote Owner Select the name of the user to whom the quote is assigned. Lookup -
Subject* Specify the name of the quote. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Potential Name Specify the potential name for which the quote has to be created. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Quote Stage Specify the status of the quote. Check box -
Valid Till Specify the date till the quote is valid after sending to the prospective customer. Date -
Contact Name Specify the contact to which the quote has to be created. Lookup -
Account Name Specify the account to which the quote has to be created. Lookup  
Carrier Select the name of the carrier manufacturer. Pick list -
Shipping Select the category of the quote. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Inventory Manager Specify the person responsible for shipping the shipment to the account or contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Account Name* Specify the account name to which the quote has to be created. This field is mandatory Lookup  
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Total Displays the amount of the selected products. Text box Alphanumeric
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with quote. Text area  
Description Specify any other details about quote. Text area 32000 characters

Sales Orders

Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Sales Order Owner Select the name of the user to whom the sales order is assigned. Lookup  
SO Number Display the Sales order ID after creating a case. Number 16 digit
Subject* Specify the name of the sales order. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Potential Name Select the potential for which the sales order has to be generated. Lookup -
Customer No Specify the customer identification number (if any) Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Purchase Order Select the reference purchase order. Text box -
Quote Name Select the reference quote. Lookup -
Contact Name Select the contact for which the sales order has to be generated. Lookup -
Due Date Select the date Date -
Carrier Select the carrier’s name that ships the products from your warehouse to customer site. Pick list -
Pending   Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Status Specify the status of the sales order. Pick list -
Sales Commission Specify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal. Numeric float
Excise Duty Specify the excise duty for the shipment Text Box Numeric
Account Name* Specify the account name to which the sales order has to be created. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Assigned To Select the user's name to whom the sales order handling duty is assigned. Select option -
Created By Displays name of the user created the Sales order first time. Date/Time  
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the Sales order Date/Time  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Tax Specify the tax component of the products Currency -
Adjustments Specify if there are any adjustments, such as discounts, or extra charges etc. Currency -
Total Displays the amount of the selected line item. Currency -
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with sales order. Text area (long text)  
Description Specify any other details about sales order. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Invoice Owner Select the name of the user to whom the invoice is assigned. Lookup  
Invoice Number Display the case ID after creating a solution Numeric 16 digit
Subject* Specify the name of the invoice. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Sales Order Select the reference Sales order (if any). Lookup -
Purchase Order Select the reference Purchase order. Text Box  
Customer No Specify the customer identification number (if any). Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Excise Duty Specify the excise duty for the shipment Text box Numeric
Invoice Date Specify the date on which the invoice is created. Date -
Due Date Specify the invoice due date as per your payment terms. Date -
Sales Commission Specify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal. Currency Float
Account Name * Specify the account name to which the invoice has to be created. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Contact Name Specify the contacts name to which the invoice has to be created. Lookup  
Status Specify the status of the invoice. Check box -
Assigned To Select the user's name to whom the invoice handling duty is assigned. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Total Displays the amount of the selected products. Currency -
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with invoice. Text area  
Description Specify any other details about invoice. Text area 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Vendor Owner Select the name of the user to whom the Vendor details is assigned. Lookup  
Vendor Name* Specify the name of the vendor. This field is mandatory Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Phone Specify the phone number of the vendor Text box Alphanumeric(40)
E-mail Specify the E-mail ID of the vendor Email Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Website Specify the Web site URL of the vendor URL Alphanumeric and Special characters(50)
GL Account Select the general ledger account Pick List -
Category Specify the category of the vendor Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Vendor Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country
Specify the address of the vendor
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about vendor Text area (long text) 32000 characters

Purchase Order

Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Purchase Order Owner Select the name of the user to whom the purchase order is assigned. Lookup  
PO Number Display the Sales order ID after creating a case. Number 16 digit
Subject* Specify the name of the purchase order. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Vendor Name* Specify the name of the vendor. Text box Alphanumeric(20)
Requisition No Specify the number in which the purchase order is requested Text box Alphanumeric(20)
Tracking Number Specify the number to track the purchase order Text box  
Contact Name Specify the contacts name to which the invoice has to be created. Lookup  
Carrier Select the carrier’s name that ships the products from your warehouse to customer site. Pick list -
Purchase Order Date Specify the date on which purchase order is created. Date -
Due Date Select the due date. Date -
Excise Duty Specify the excise duty for the shipment Text box  
Sales Commission Specify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal. Currency Float
Status Specify the status of the purchase order. Check box -
Assigned To Select the user name to whom the purchase order handling duty is assigned. This field is mandatory Select option -
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Total Displays the amount of the selected products.    
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with purchase order. Text area (long text)  
Description Specify any other details about purchase order. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Task Owner Select the name of the user to whom the task is assigned. Lookup  
Subject* Specify the name of the task. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Due Date Specify the due date for the task Date  
Contacts/Leads Select the related contact or lead Lookup  
Accounts Select any other record related to the task Lookup -
Status Specify the status of the task Pick List -
Priority Select the due date. Date -
Send Notification Email Select the check box to send notification email to the task owner Check box  
Remind At Select the check box to set reminder for the task Check box  
Recurring Activity Select the check box to mark it as a recurring activity Check box -
Description Specify the details about the task Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Event Owner Select the name of the user to whom the event is assigned. Lookup  
Subject* Specify the name of the event. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Start Date Time* Specify the date and time when the event will be started. This field is mandatory. Date and Time  
End Date Time * Specify the date and time when the event will be over. This field is mandatory. Date and Time  
Venue Enter the venue for the event Text  
Contacts/Leads Select the related contact or lead Lookup  
Accounts Select any other record related to the event Lookup -
Send Notification Email Select the check box to send notification email to the event owner Check box  
Remind At Select the check box to set reminder for the event Check box  
Recurring Activity Select the check box to mark it as a recurring activity Check box -
Description Specify the details about the event Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Subject* Specify the subject of the call. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Call Type* Choose whether the call is inbound or outbound    
Call Purpose Select the purpose of the call Pick List  
Call From/To Choose Contact or Lead   -
Related To Select the record to which the call is related to Pick List -
Call Details Select whether it is a Current call or Completed call   -
Call Start Time Automatically displays the call start data and time Pick List  
Call Duration Specify the duration of the call Integer  
Description Specify the details about the task Text area (long text) 32000 characters
Billable Select the check box if the call is considered for billing Check box  
Call Result Enter the call result Text  

Vertical Solutions provides you with a few standard modules that you can readily use. These predefined modules come with a set of default fields and layout. When you create a new solution from your Developer account, you can select the standard modules you want to include for the particular solution.

The following is the list of standard modules provided by Zoho Platform that can be included in your vertical CRM application.

The following tables give the list of supported fields in the Zoho Platform Modules along with their description. All the activities mentioned in the description are to be performed by the customers who use your Vertical CRM.


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Lead Owner Specify the users to whom the Lead is assigned to. Lookup -
Salutation Select the salutation from the drop-down list. Pick list -
First Name Specify the first name of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Title Specify the job position of the lead Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Last Name* Specify the last name of the lead. This field is a mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(80)
Company* Specify the name of the company where the lead is working. This field is a mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Lead Source Select the source of the lead, that is, from where the lead is generated. Pick list -
Industry Select the industry to which the lead belongs. Pick list -
Annual Revenue Specify the annual revenue of the company where the lead is working. Currency Decimal (16)
Phone Specify the phone number of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Mobile Specify the mobile number of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Fax Specify the fax number of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Email Specify the email address of the lead. Email Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Secondary Email Specify another email address of the lead. Email Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Skype ID Specify the Skype ID of the lead. Currently skype ID can be in the range of 6 to 32 characters. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Web site Specify the Web site of the lead. URL Alphanumeric(120)
Lead Status Select the status of the lead from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Rating Select the rating of the lead from the drop-down list. Pick list -
No. of Employees Specify the number of employees in lead's company. Numeric Integer (16)
Email Opt-out Select the check-box to remove leads from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your Vertical CRM account. Check box -
Campaign Source Select the campaign related to the Lead Lookup  
Created By Displays name of the user created the Lead first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the Lead. Date/Time  
Street Specify the street address of the lead. Text box Alphanumeric(250)
City Specify the name of the city where the lead lives. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
State Specify the name of the state where the lead lives. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Zip Code Specify the postal code of the lead's address. Numeric Alphanumeric(30)
Country Specify the name of the lead's country. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about the lead. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Account Name * Specify the company name. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Account Owner Select the name of the user to whom the account is assigned. Look up -
Website Specify the URL of the company's Web site. URL Alphanumeric(30)
Ticker Symbol Specify the ticker symbol of the Company. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Parent Account Select the parent company name from the Change pop-up dialog. Lookup  
Employees Specify the number of employees in account's company. Numeric Integers(10)
Ownership Specify the type of ownership of the company. Picklist  
Industry Select the type of industry from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Account Type Select the type of account from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Account Number Specify the reference number for account. Up to 40 characters are allowed in this field. Numeric Number
Account Site Specify the name of the account’s location, for example, Headquarters or London. Up to 80 characters are allowed in this field. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Phone Specify phone number of the account. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Fax Specify fax number of the account. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
E-mail Specify the official E-mail address of the account. E-mail Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Rating Specify the rating of the account. Pick list -
SIC Code Specify the Standard Industrial Classification code of the account. Text box Integers(10)
Created By Displays name of the user created the Account first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the Account. Date/Time  
Annual Revenue Specify the annual revenue of the account. Numeric Integers(10)
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Code
  • Country
Specify the billing address of the account to send the quotes, invoices, and other agreements.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Code
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the account to deliver the shipment.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about the account. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Contact Owner Select the user to whom the account is assigned. Lookup -
Salutation Select the Salutation of the contact, such as Mr., Ms, Mrs., or others. Pick list  
First Name Specify the first name of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Last Name* Specify the last name of the contact. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Account Name Select the account related to the contact. Lookup -
Vendor Name Select the vendor related to the contact Lookup -
Campaign Source Select the Campaign related to the contact Lookup -
Lead Source Select the source from which the contact is created. Pick list -
Title Specify the job position of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Department Specify the department of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(30)
Date of Birth Specify the birthday of the contact to send greetings for a better relationship. Date -
Reports To Select the person to whom the contact reports Text area 255 characters
Created By Displays name of the user created the contact first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the contact Date/Time  
Email Opt Out Select the check-box to remove contacts from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your Vertical CRM account Check box -
Skype Id Specify the Skype ID of the contact. Currently skype ID can be in the range of 6 to 32 characters. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Phone Specify the office phone number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Mobile Specify the mobile number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Home Phone Specify the home phone number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Other Phone Specify the other phone number of the contact (if any). Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Fax Specify the Fax number of the contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Email Specify the primary email address of the contact. Email Alphanumeric(100)
Secondary Email Specify another email address of the contact. Email Alphanumeric(100)
Assistant Specify the name of the contact’s assistant.    
Asst Phone Specify the phone number of the contact's assistant. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Mailing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Other Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the other address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about contact. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Potential Owner Select the name of the user to whom the potential is assigned. Lookup  
Potential Name* Specify name of the potential. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(120)
Account Name* Select name of the account to which potential has to be created. This field is mandatory. Lookup -
Type Select the type of potential (New Business or Existing Business) from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Lead Source Select the lead source from the drop-down list Pick list -
Campaign Source Select the campaign related to the contact. Lookup -
Contact Name Select the contact related to the Potential. Lookup  
Amount Specify the amount that can be expected after closing the potential. Currency  
Closing Date* Specify or select the expected close date. This field is mandatory. Date format -
Next Step Specify the next step of the sales process. Text box Alphanumeric(100)
Stage* Select the sales stage from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory. Pick list -
Probability Specify the probability of closing an potential. Number  
Expected Revenue Calculated based on the Amount and potential Stage that you specify Currency  
Created By Displays name of the user created the potential first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the potential Date/Time  
Description Specify any other details about potential. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Campaign Owner Select the name of the user to whom the campaign is assigned. Pick list -
Campaign Name* Specify the name of the campaign. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Type Select the type of the campaign. Check box -
Status Select the status of the campaign. Pick List -
Start Date Specify the date on which the campaign starts. Date format -
End Date Specify the date on which the campaign ends. Date format -
Expected Revenue Specify the revenue expected after launching the campaign. Currency -
Actual Cost Specify the actual amount spent on the campaign. Currency -
Budgeted Cost Specify the planned amount to be spent on the campaign. Currency -
Expected Response Specify the campaign turnout percentage. Number  
Num sent Specify the number of leads/contacts to whom the campaign details has been sent. Text box Integers
Created By Displays name of the user created the campaign first time. Date/Time -
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the campaign Date/Time  
Description Specify additional details about the campaign. Text area 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Year* Select the fiscal year from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Quarter* Select the quarter of the fiscal year. Pick list -
Month Display the month of the selected quarter. Month  
Quota Specify the quota for the month. Currency -
Closed Display the amount from the closed won potentials. Currency -
Committed Amount Specify the total amount a sales person confident of closing during forecast period. Currency -
Best Case Amount Specify the amount a sales person might be closing. This amount can be either more or less than Commit Amount. Currency -
Pipeline Displays the amount in the sales pipeline. Currency -
Owned By Displays the owner of the forecast. Lookup -
Created By Displays the person created the forecast first time. Date/Time format -
Last Modified By Displays the person modified the forecast. Date/Time format -


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Case Number Display the case ID after creating a case. Number 16 digit
Product Name Select the product name related to the case. Lookup -
Case Owner Select the name of the user to whom the case is assigned. Lookup -
Subject* Specify the title of the Case. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(255)
Priority Select the priority of the Case from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Status* Select the status of the Case from the drop-down list. Pick list -
Reported By Displays the name of the contact. - -
Related To Select the name of the contact who submitted the Case. Lookup -
Type Select the type of problem. It can be a general question, feature request, or real issue in your product/service. Pick list -
Case Origin* Select the source from which the case has been generated. You can select Email, Phone, or Website. If you select Email, you must specify the Email ID of the customer. Pick list -
Email Specify the Email ID of the contact. Email Alphanumeric and Special characters
Account Name Select the account related to the case Lookup  
Potential Name Select the Potential related to the case Lookup  
Phone Specify the phone number of the customer Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Case Reason Specify the reason for the case Pick list -
Description Specify complete details about the case. Text Area 32000 characters
Internal Comments Specify follow-up notes about case. Text Area 3000 characters
Solution Specify the solution provided Text Area 32000 characters
Add Comment specify the follow-up notes about the solution Text Area 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Solution Number Display the case ID after creating a solution Number 16 digit
Solution Title* Specify the subject of the solution. This field is mandatory Text box Alphanumeric(255)
Solution Owner Select the name of the user to whom the solution is assigned. Pick list -
Product Name Select the name of the product to which the solution has to be associated. Lookup -
Question* Select the priority of the solution from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory Text box, Alphanumeric Alphanumeric(255)
Answer* Specify solution details. This field is mandatory Text Area -
Status Specify the status of the solution. Pick list -
Created By Displays the person created the solution first time. Date/Time format  
Last Modified By Displays the person modified the solution Date/Time format  
Description Specify any other details about solution. Text box 32000 characters
Comments Specify additional comments about the solution. Text box 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Product Name* Specify the name of the product. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Product Owner Select the name of the user to whom the product is assigned. Pick list  
Product Code Specify the product identification. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Product Active Specify the status of the product. Check box -
Vendor Name Specify the name of the vendor. Lookup  
Product Category Select the category of the product. Pick list  
Sales Start Date Specify the date on which the product sales starts Date  
Sales End Date Specify the date on which the product sales ends Date  
Created By Displays the person created the product first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the product Date/Time format  
Commission Rate Specify the commission rate for selling the product. Numeric Decimal
Manufacturer Select the name of the product manufacturer. Pick list -
Unit Price Specify the unit price of the product. Currency  
Taxable Specify whether the product is a taxable product Check-box  
Product Category Select the category of the product. Pick list -
Support Start Date Select the date on which the product support starts. Date -
Support Expiry Date Select the date on which the product support ends. Date -
Usage Unit Displays the unit price of the product. Text box Alphanumeric
Qty Ordered Specify the number of units. Text box Integers
Qty in Stock Displays the stock quantity Text box Integers
Reorder Level Specify the Reorder value Text box Integers
Handler Select the user who is handling the product Lookup  
Qty in Demand Displays the demand quantity Text box Integers
Description Specify any other details about product. Text area (long text) 32000 characters

Price Books

Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Price book Owner Select the name of the user to whom the price book is assigned. Lookup -
Price book Name* Specify the name of the Price Book. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Active Select the Active check box to set the status of the Price Book as active. Check box -
Pricing Model Select the model of the price book Pick list -
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Description Specify any other details about Price Book. Text area (long text) 32000characters
Pricing details
  • From Range
  • To Range
  • Discount
Specify the Pricing details
  • From Range - Text box
  • To Range - Text box
  • Discount - Percent
Decimal (20)


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Quote Owner Select the name of the user to whom the quote is assigned. Lookup -
Subject* Specify the name of the quote. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Potential Name Specify the potential name for which the quote has to be created. Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Quote Stage Specify the status of the quote. Check box -
Valid Till Specify the date till the quote is valid after sending to the prospective customer. Date -
Contact Name Specify the contact to which the quote has to be created. Lookup -
Account Name Specify the account to which the quote has to be created. Lookup  
Carrier Select the name of the carrier manufacturer. Pick list -
Shipping Select the category of the quote. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Inventory Manager Specify the person responsible for shipping the shipment to the account or contact. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Account Name* Specify the account name to which the quote has to be created. This field is mandatory Lookup  
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Total Displays the amount of the selected products. Text box Alphanumeric
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with quote. Text area  
Description Specify any other details about quote. Text area 32000 characters

Sales Orders

Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Sales Order Owner Select the name of the user to whom the sales order is assigned. Lookup  
SO Number Display the Sales order ID after creating a case. Number 16 digit
Subject* Specify the name of the sales order. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Potential Name Select the potential for which the sales order has to be generated. Lookup -
Customer No Specify the customer identification number (if any) Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Purchase Order Select the reference purchase order. Text box -
Quote Name Select the reference quote. Lookup -
Contact Name Select the contact for which the sales order has to be generated. Lookup -
Due Date Select the date Date -
Carrier Select the carrier’s name that ships the products from your warehouse to customer site. Pick list -
Pending   Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Status Specify the status of the sales order. Pick list -
Sales Commission Specify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal. Numeric float
Excise Duty Specify the excise duty for the shipment Text Box Numeric
Account Name* Specify the account name to which the sales order has to be created. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Assigned To Select the user's name to whom the sales order handling duty is assigned. Select option -
Created By Displays name of the user created the Sales order first time. Date/Time  
Modified By Displays name of the user modified the Sales order Date/Time  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Tax Specify the tax component of the products Currency -
Adjustments Specify if there are any adjustments, such as discounts, or extra charges etc. Currency -
Total Displays the amount of the selected line item. Currency -
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with sales order. Text area (long text)  
Description Specify any other details about sales order. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Invoice Owner Select the name of the user to whom the invoice is assigned. Lookup  
Invoice Number Display the case ID after creating a solution Numeric 16 digit
Subject* Specify the name of the invoice. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Sales Order Select the reference Sales order (if any). Lookup -
Purchase Order Select the reference Purchase order. Text Box  
Customer No Specify the customer identification number (if any). Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Excise Duty Specify the excise duty for the shipment Text box Numeric
Invoice Date Specify the date on which the invoice is created. Date -
Due Date Specify the invoice due date as per your payment terms. Date -
Sales Commission Specify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal. Currency Float
Account Name * Specify the account name to which the invoice has to be created. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Contact Name Specify the contacts name to which the invoice has to be created. Lookup  
Status Specify the status of the invoice. Check box -
Assigned To Select the user's name to whom the invoice handling duty is assigned. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Total Displays the amount of the selected products. Currency -
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with invoice. Text area  
Description Specify any other details about invoice. Text area 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Vendor Owner Select the name of the user to whom the Vendor details is assigned. Lookup  
Vendor Name* Specify the name of the vendor. This field is mandatory Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Phone Specify the phone number of the vendor Text box Alphanumeric(40)
E-mail Specify the E-mail ID of the vendor Email Alphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Website Specify the Web site URL of the vendor URL Alphanumeric and Special characters(50)
GL Account Select the general ledger account Pick List -
Category Specify the category of the vendor Text box Alphanumeric(40)
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Vendor Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country
Specify the address of the vendor
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Description Specify any other details about vendor Text area (long text) 32000 characters

Purchase Order

Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Purchase Order Owner Select the name of the user to whom the purchase order is assigned. Lookup  
PO Number Display the Sales order ID after creating a case. Number 16 digit
Subject* Specify the name of the purchase order. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Vendor Name* Specify the name of the vendor. Text box Alphanumeric(20)
Requisition No Specify the number in which the purchase order is requested Text box Alphanumeric(20)
Tracking Number Specify the number to track the purchase order Text box  
Contact Name Specify the contacts name to which the invoice has to be created. Lookup  
Carrier Select the carrier’s name that ships the products from your warehouse to customer site. Pick list -
Purchase Order Date Specify the date on which purchase order is created. Date -
Due Date Select the due date. Date -
Excise Duty Specify the excise duty for the shipment Text box  
Sales Commission Specify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal. Currency Float
Status Specify the status of the purchase order. Check box -
Assigned To Select the user name to whom the purchase order handling duty is assigned. This field is mandatory Select option -
Created By Displays the person created the Price book first time. Date/Time format  
Modified By Displays the person modified the Price book. Date/Time format  
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name * Select the product name. This field is mandatory Lookup -
Quantity in Stock Displays the stock quantity. Numeric Integers
Quantity* Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatory Numeric Integers
Unit Price* Displays the unit price of the product. Currency  
List Price* Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatory Lookup and Numeric Integers
Total Displays the amount of the selected products.    
Terms & Conditions Specify the terms and conditions that are associated with purchase order. Text area (long text)  
Description Specify any other details about purchase order. Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Task Owner Select the name of the user to whom the task is assigned. Lookup  
Subject* Specify the name of the task. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Due Date Specify the due date for the task Date  
Contacts/Leads Select the related contact or lead Lookup  
Accounts Select any other record related to the task Lookup -
Status Specify the status of the task Pick List -
Priority Select the due date. Date -
Send Notification Email Select the check box to send notification email to the task owner Check box  
Remind At Select the check box to set reminder for the task Check box  
Recurring Activity Select the check box to mark it as a recurring activity Check box -
Description Specify the details about the task Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Event Owner Select the name of the user to whom the event is assigned. Lookup  
Subject* Specify the name of the event. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Start Date Time* Specify the date and time when the event will be started. This field is mandatory. Date and Time  
End Date Time * Specify the date and time when the event will be over. This field is mandatory. Date and Time  
Venue Enter the venue for the event Text  
Contacts/Leads Select the related contact or lead Lookup  
Accounts Select any other record related to the event Lookup -
Send Notification Email Select the check box to send notification email to the event owner Check box  
Remind At Select the check box to set reminder for the event Check box  
Recurring Activity Select the check box to mark it as a recurring activity Check box -
Description Specify the details about the event Text area (long text) 32000 characters


Field Name Description Data type Maximum Limit
Subject* Specify the subject of the call. This field is mandatory. Text box Alphanumeric(50)
Call Type* Choose whether the call is inbound or outbound    
Call Purpose Select the purpose of the call Pick List  
Call From/To Choose Contact or Lead   -
Related To Select the record to which the call is related to Pick List -
Call Details Select whether it is a Current call or Completed call   -
Call Start Time Automatically displays the call start data and time Pick List  
Call Duration Specify the duration of the call Integer  
Description Specify the details about the task Text area (long text) 32000 characters
Billable Select the check box if the call is considered for billing Check box  
Call Result Enter the call result Text  

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