Add reminder
To add reminder:
- Go to the detail view page of the required work item.
- Click the bell icon from the right-side menu bar. The Add reminder window will appear.
- Select the Reminder Type.
- Set a Date and Time.
- Select the Frequency and No. of Occurrences.
- Click the Add button.
- All users with view permission for the work item can add reminders.
- You cannot add reminders for closed work items.
- You cannot add reminders for the work items in the project templates.
- If the item reminder was created by a user, update and delete permissions of that reminder will be enabled for that user irrespective of the user's item permissions.
Edit reminder
To edit reminder
- Go to the detail view page of the required work item.
- Click the reminder icon from the right-side menu bar. The Item Reminders listing window will appear.
- Hover over the required reminder.
- Click the Edit link.
- Make changes.
- Click the Update button. The changes will be saved.
Delete reminder
To delete reminder
- Go to the detail view page of the required work item.
- Click the bell icon from the right-side menu bar. The Item Reminders listing window will appear.
- Hover over the required reminder.
- Click the Delete link. A confirmation pop-up will appear.
- Click the Delete button. The reminder will be deleted.
- Only the user who creates the reminder will own permission to edit or delete the reminder. If the particular user is removed from the work item, they cannot add a new reminder. But they can edit or delete the reminders that they created previously.
- If the user is removed from the team, project, or sprint, then all the reminders created by that particular user will be deleted.
View completed reminders
You can view all the reminders on the Item Reminders listing window that appears when you click the reminder icon.
- The active reminders are available in the Active section.
- The Elapsed section lists the completed and suspended reminders. When the occurrences of the reminders are completed they are moved to the Elapsed section.
- If a work item is moved to any closed status and there are still reminders, these reminders will be suspended and moved to the Elapsed section.
Common queries on reminders
Can Admin add reminders for all the work items?
Yes, admin owns permission to add reminders for all the work items across the projects. They can only view, edit, or delete the reminders created by them. They cannot edit or delete the reminders set by other users.
Who can add reminders for unassigned work items?
Admin, manager, and member can add reminders for unassigned work items. Reminders are user specific. Only the person who creates the reminder will have permission to view, edit, or delete the reminder. Other users cannot view the reminders created by you.
How are reminders displayed for work items with multiple assignees?
Reminders are user specific. If there are multiple assignees to a work item, each user can view only the reminders that they have set.
Can I set multiple reminders for a single work item?
Yes, you can set multiple reminders for a single work item. But you cannot set more than one reminder type.
What happens when I modify the start and end time of a work item after the reminder is created?
Modifying the start and end time of the work item will affect the existing reminders. The preset reminders will be modified according to the new date and timings that you define.
What happens to the reminders when I move the work item to a closed status on my board?
If the work item is moved to a closed status all the pending reminders of that particular work item will be suspended. You can view all the suspended reminders in the Elapsed section next to the Active reminders.