

Elements enable you to add a range of content types to your website, each with its customization options. Use elements to build the website you have always wanted. You can choose from a range of elements, such as text, images, buttons, dividers, audio, video, and much more.


To add elements  

Depending on your preference, there are two ways to add elements to your page.

  1. Click the Add  icon in the top-left corner of the builder, then choose Element. From the tray of options, drag and drop elements of your choice on your page.

  1. Alternatively, hover over the section where you would like to insert an element and click Add Element. You'll see the same tray of options from which you select the element you would like to add to your page.

To edit elements   

Each element comes with its own set of customization options. You can find these tools alongside the element after you have added it to your page. They also appear when you click an element.

You can click and drag toolboxes to create more space on the screen.

To customize elements   

  • Click the  icon to make changes.  You can make modifications by switching between tabs to edit the properties of the element. Customization options include Custom CSS, Animation, Style Editor, and Element Visibility.

  • With Element visibility, you can choose to either show or hide various portions of your website on different devices. This tool comes in handy if you wish to display an element on the desktop version of your website but not on the mobile or tablet version of your website, or any other way around.


To move elements   

You can move the elements to different sections of your page using the move option.

  1. Click the element that you would like to move.

  1. Use the four-point arrow to drag and move the element to the area that you prefer.

A blue line indicates where you can add an element and where it will appear.

To clone elements   

The clone option enables you to make duplicates of various elements and sections. In other words, if there are any sections or elements that are recurring in your website, you do not have to create them every time. You can simply copy a section and paste it on a spot, then edit it. To do that:

  1. Click the element that you would like to duplicate. Click the clone icon and you will see a notification on your screen reading "Element copied." You can also use the Copy button at the bottom of the element or section.

  1. You can paste the copied element by clicking Paste in the desired section.


To delete elements   

  1. Click the element that you would like to delete.

  1. Click the Delete icon .

When an element gets deleted, it leaves an empty section that can be clicked to add another element. This section can also be deleted by selecting it and clicking the Delete icon.

To access your element toolbox

  1. Click the element.

  1. Click the Settings icon . The toolbox for the selected element will appear.

To save progress   

Zoho Sites builder has an auto-save feature that automatically saves your work as you continue to create your site. You can also manually save your work with the Save option. 

To save manually, click the Save  icon in the top-left corner of your builder. Your progress will be saved instantly.


  • Use the redo and undo buttons to help you reverse your previous edits. Use the redo and undo button while you work to remove or include your customizations. This tool also comes handy if you have deleted your work accidentally.

  • Use the element and section spacer provided in the builder to create or reduce space between items.

  1. You can enable content stickiness for Box and Column elements by fixing certain sections and elements on your page so that they follow as the user scrolls. You can display important information in a consistent and attractive manner to your visitors.

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