Managing Zones in Zoho Backstage



Zones refer to designated areas within an event venue that can be customized and managed separately. Zones help organizers effectively organize event spaces and activities efficiently. Each zone can represent different areas, such as exhibition halls, conference rooms, lounges, networking areas, or outdoor spaces. Organizers can customize each zone's location, schedule, and access permissions according to their event requirements.

Different Types of Zones 
You can create various types of zones to accommodate different activities and areas within your event venue. Some common types of zones include:
  • Exhibition Hall
  • Conference Rooms
  • Networking Areas
  • Lounge Areas
  • Registration Desk
  • Outdoor Spaces
  • Food & Beverage Areas
  • Sponsor or Partner Zones
  • Media or Press Zones
  • Technical Zones
By creating different types of zones, you can organize your event space effectively and cater to the various activities and needs of attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and other event recipients.
The Zones feature is available for Premium and Ultimate plan users. Zones are available for In-Person and Hybrid events only.

Creating your first Zone 

Creating an event zone enables organizers to designate specific areas within event venues for various activities, optimizing attendee experience, and facilitating event space management. You can also customize these zones to provide ticket or role-based access to areas within the event location, enabling tailored experiences for different attendee and organizer groups.

  1. Go to Manage > Zones from the Dock.
  2. Click Create Zone. The Create Zone side panel will appear.
  1. Pick the zone's Location from the drop-down menu. If you wish to add a new zone location, click the icon and enter the information.
  2. Set the Zone Open and Close Dates, and the Zone Open and Close Times.
  3. Click Open to All to allow all attendees to enter the event Zone. Alternatively, click Open to Specific Groups to only allow a specific group of people to enter the event venue, then select the groups you want to allow into the zone.
  4. Click Save.
Your changes will be synced automatically with the organizer app.

 Adding more Zones

With Zoho Backstage, you have the flexibility to add new zones at any point before the event goes live, ensuring comprehensive event planning tailored to your needs.

  1. Click Add New Zone. The Create Zone side panel will appear.

  1. Pick the zone Location from the drop-down menu.
    To add a new zone location, click the icon and enter the information.
  2. Set the Zone Open and Close Dates, and the Zone Open and Close Times.
  3. Click Open to All to allow all attendees to enter the event Zone. Alternatively, click Open to Specific Groups to only allow a specific group of people to enter the event venue, then select the groups you want to allow into the zone.
  4. Click Save.
Your changes will be synced automatically with the organizer app.

Modify Zone Information and Preferences 

Zoho Backstage allows you to edit zone information and zone preferences as needed, ensuring precise event organization and adaptation to evolving requirements. You can make the following changes to your zone:
  • Zone Name
  • Zone Location
  • Zone Open Dates and Time, Zone Close Dates and Time.
  • Zone Access Control
  1. Go to Manage > Zones from the Dock.
  2. Click the Edit button associated with a zone. The Edit Zone side panel will appear.

  1. Make the necessary changes.
    1. Zone Name: Enter the Zone Name in the text box.
    2. Zone Location: 
      Pick the zone's Location from the drop-down menu. If you would like to add a new zone location, click the icon and enter the information.
    3. Zone Date and Time: Set the Zone Open and Close Dates, and the Zone Open and Close Times.
    4. Zone Access Control: 
      Click Open to All to allow all attendees to enter the event Zone. Alternatively, click Open to Specific Groups to only allow a specific group of people to enter the event venue, then select the groups you want to allow into the zone.
  2. Click Save.
Your changes will be synced automatically with the organizer app.

Deleting a Zone

With Zoho Backstage, a created zone can be removed or deleted at any time before the event end date and time or when you no longer require it.

  1. Go to Manage > Zones from the Dock.
  2. Open the drop-down menu associated with the Event Zone, then click Delete. The Delete Zone dialog box will appear.
  1. Click Delete.
Your changes will be synced automatically with the organizer app. 
Can I delete or remove an event zone once my event has gone live?

Yes, you can. By deleting an event zone from your website builder, you will also remove the corresponding zone from your organizer app's zones page. To learn how to delete an event zone, refer to Deleting a Zone.

Is there a limit to the number of zones I can create for my event?

With Backstage, you can create up to 30 event zones.

Can I customize access permissions for different zones within my event?
Yes, you can. To change access permissions, refer to Modify Zone Information and Preferences.

Can I edit an event zone once my event has gone live?

Once the event has gone live, you have the flexibility to modify all fields within the event zone. Any changes made in the website builder will automatically reflect in the corresponding event zone within the Organizer app. To learn how to edit your event zone, refer to Modify Zone Information and Preferences.

Can the zones be rearranged on the Zone Check-in page of the website builder or Organizer app?

Please note that the last zone you add will appear at the top of the list. The order of zones cannot be rearranged in the website builder or organizer app.

Can I access the Zone Check-in from the portal page of the website builder?

Yes! To go to the check-in tab from the portal page, click on the Menu icon associated with the event, then click Event Day. You'll be redirected to the Event Day tab of the Website Builder. Click Zone Check-in to open the Zone Check-in page of the Website Builder.   

Can I check an attendee in that I have checked out of an event zone already?

Yes, you can.  

Can I see the check-in and check-out times of attendees from an event zone even if they have checked in and checked out multiple times?

You can see the check-in and check-out times of an attendee by visiting the desired event zone's check-in page.  


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