What are Organization Policy Settings in Zoho People?
This space contains crucial settings that impact your entire organization's accounts. These include settings on alerts, chats, employee information preferences, search preferences, profile picture preferences, and finally locale and display format preferences.
Navigating to Organization Policy Settings
- Navigate to Settings (gear icon on the top-right corner) and select Manage Accounts.
- Switch to the Organization Setup tab and select the Organization Policy sub tab.
Configuring Alert and Chat Settings
Navigate to Settings > Manage Accounts > Organization Policy. Adjust the required settings in the Alert & Chat settings card.
Notifications switch: If you wish to disable all email alerts and notifications sent from Zoho People, disable the Notifications switch. This includes system emails configured from services such as LMS, Leave, etc., and even once created by the users through workflows, etc.
Chat switch: Zoho People has an in-built chat bar, which can be used to send messages, attachments, calls, etc. to other employees. This can be enabled or disabled here using the Chat switch.
Bot switch: Zoho People has an in-built Zia bot, this can be enabled or disabled using the Bot switch.
Zia bot allows employees to perform quick actions such as check in, fetch pending tasks list, apply leave, etc. Employees can also search through the cases repository of their organization through Zia Bot. This works by identifying key words in their search query and matching it with their organization's FAQ repository in the cases service. If there is no match, it will allow the user to raise a new query.
Navigate to Settings > Manage Accounts > Organization Policy. Adjust the required settings in the employee personal information settings card.
Using these options, the administrator can choose to give employees the choice to display or hide sensitive information such as their birthdays, work anniversary dates, wedding anniversary dates, and mobile number. Based on the preferences configured here, employees will have access to permissions on the
Personal Preferences page.
Learn more about personal preferences.
Profile Picture Update Preferences
Navigate to Settings > Manage Accounts > Organization Policy > Profile picture update card. Specify who can update the profile picture in Zoho People by using the provided drop-down.
Navigate to Settings > Manage Accounts > Organization Policy > Locale & display format card. Adjust the settings here as per your organization's preferences.
Specify the organization's primary country/region and time zone here.
You can also add multiple locations and specify their time zones from the Locations page. (
Settings >
Manage Accounts >
Locations). Each employee can be associated with a region and this nformation can be edited through the Employee Information page in
Operations (
Operations >
Employee Information >
Employees page), or through the
HR Process feature.
Time: Specify if the organization uses a 12-hour or 24-hour time format. This setting impacts all users.
Name: Specify the name display format; for example, if you would like to display the first name following the last name or vice versa across the organization, that can be adjusted here. This setting impacts all users.
Date: Specify the preferred date format choice using the provided drop-down. This setting impacts all users.
Changing the display language in Zoho People
First, let us look at the supported languages of Zoho People 5.0:
- Arabic
- Bulgarian
- Chinese
- Croatian
- Danish
- Dutch
- English (UK)
- English (US)
- French
- Georgian
- German
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Serbian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
Only the Tabs / Sub-tabs / Fields / In-app descriptions and labels that are non-editable by the user will be changed to the respective language. The fields that are editable (user-defined) will remain the same.
How to change the display language in Zoho People?
- In your browser, navigate to accounts.zoho.com
- Enter your password to re-identify yourself.
- Click Edit in your profile card. (Profile > Personal Information > Edit).
- Select the desired language and select the corresponding country/region using the provided drop-downs.
- Click Save.
Remember to select a language supported in Zoho People (refer the list above) when selecting language in accounts.zoho.com.
Selecting the correct country/region along with langugage will ensure accurate translations of Zoho People system content.