Need programmer to develop a shopping cart with Zoho Invoice

Need programmer to develop a shopping cart with Zoho Invoice


I need a programmer du develop a plugin for me only to use with my website...

Please contact me via skype (marc3k) if you are interest.

I’m using Zoho Invoice to send invoice to my client when I do job for them (IT). I recently add a Webhosting product to my product. I want to be able to use Zoho invoice with the webhosting. I when people select their webhosting plan, I want them to be redirect to a web page. On that webpage, their will have to enter all the info for the order. That has to be send to Zoho Invoice to create the user with the plan. Return the total and make them paid with Zoho Invoice. Zoho will send me an email so I can create the user on the server with the good hosting plan.

The product will already be created on Zoho Invoice.
Need a place for shipping cost (not always used)
Webpage will be in French. I will help the translation if you needed.
When people select the product, I want to include in the link the plan that their chose and return the information about the plan from Zoho invoice so it will be clear when their will enter their information.

First sorry for my english. Its not very good. I have a web page (in french) . i want to have a buy button for each webhosting plan. In zoho, all plan are already created. On the order page, 1. Need to get the webhosting info plan from zoho. 2. Send information (name, address, domain name optional). Zoho will create the client and return a url to pay online (stripe or paypal). When its pay, zoho will send the invoice to the client by email. I will receives the info and create the user manualy into the webserver for now.

you need buy button in each column of the plan in the table
You can redirect them… order.php?plan=hebergement_mini

keep in mind also that i’m seller user laptop. So some times, i need to charge shipping. So if you can add something lime shipping=0 or shipping=20 so = will desactivate it and =something will add a line with the shipping charge
last thing, for some plan, the domain is included and for other no. so i need a fied to charge it or no… so domain=free, domain=0 or domain=20
Maybe more thing to do but for now that’s it!

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