SalesIQ Visitor Javascript API - Is there a size limit on the Info-API?

SalesIQ Visitor Javascript API - Is there a size limit on the Info-API?


I'm trying add information for my operators using the  $ API found here:

I have added about 1.15 KB of information, and when I try the request, it fails with a 403 HTTP-error.

"Access to XMLHttpRequest at ' ' from origin ' http://localhost:3000 ' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource."

Now, I thought this could have been a CORS issue (obviously), but I tried it out on our hosted server as well. Same issue. The only variable seems to be the size of the Info-parameter when initiating a chat.

Can you clarify, is there a size limit on the Visitor Info API? If so, can it be configured or do you have a suggestion on how to pass along the information otherwise?

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