Smart card flexibility and web clipping

Smart card flexibility and web clipping

Hi there, I recently kicked Google Keep to the curb after unresolved issues and lack of feature development. I am really liking Notebook but have a few minor issues and/or things I think Keep did well that I wish Notebook did.

1) I love the smart card concept, but find it limiting. I'd like to be able to save recipes but edit them to make notes. I'd like to be able to add a description to a photo card, or change the image or add metadata (description, notes, etc) to a link card. 

2) Related, one of the things I like about Keep is clipping web images. I can clip images via the extension right click menu and can get multiple images from one page grouped into a single note. The images are saved as metadata to the notecard, rather than inserted in the body. I know I could do a Reader view in Notebook, but I have to manually remove images/content I don't need, and I prefer the option of having images as metadata attached to the card vs organizing via word processing within the card. One of the reasons I left Evernote was I preferred the way Keep organized the different types of content in a note instead of just allowing for essentially an open rich text area - it's easier to find photos and links when they are metadata stored in a specific spot instead of scanning through open text.

I attached an example of how it looks in Google Keep when you do this. The top section is for the photos you clipped from the URL (and you can delete photos individually), the middle section is all of your normal editable note content, and the bottom is for the URL source. I would love to see regular notes or some sort of smart card that could emulate this! Even if you could start by making it easier to get individual web images into notecards it would be better!

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