Audio Sync With Text
A very useful feature that exists in other note apps like Notabilty, Pear and OneNote, is to be able to record and type at the same time, the text is then linked with the recording, if you want you can find a place in the recording by clicking on a word. This feature is handy in meetings, classes and much more! Would love to see it in Zoho Notebook. Thanks
Group cover page
Hi! I just started using Notebook and really love it. When I group several notes (or notes and photos), sometime the note I want on top is not. I know in the app you can leaf through the notes, but I want to be able to identify one note as the "cover note". That would be a huge help! Also, it would be great to be able to edit photos after you have saved them. I forgot to rotate one and now I can get it to be "right side up". Thanks!
Offline editing and other features
First of all, good work Zoho team. Here, I have some suggestions for you, Make the offline editing improvements, currently the app can't make changes in the note unloaded in the phone memory. Make possible multi-note view as users have to manage many notes at the same time, this feature mostly needed in web app or windows desktop as I feel the need of it many times while managing the notes. And please launch your windows software as you are done developing it because there are many limitations in
Design of collectian and items NoteBook Zoho
Hi Currently, the design is not uniform across collections and items. Thus, in collections there is a dark bar below to display the title, notes appear at the top without color highlighting, attachments appear at the top but in gradient. Taking the idea
Most recent
Have you considered implementing a "Most recently opened" feature in Notebooks? I would like that. Otherwise thanks for a great product
Integration with Zoho Tasks/ToDo
Please integrate with Zoho ToDo so we can link to notes within Zoho Tasks and add Todo items (with start/duedate,tags etc) within Zoho Notes that sync with ToDo
Search using multiple tags
I wish there would be a feature in Zoho Notebooks, that makes possible searching notes by multiple tags simultaneously. For now we can do search only by one tag at once. It makes tags almost useless for me.
Web Clipper Reader View cannot save images
Hi, When I press Reader View in the Clipper, it shows me and saves only text without any images. Is it possible to make Clipper understand images on teh page as well? Let say, I found an article with some illustrations and want to get it's text with the
Why aren't Zoho Whiteboards a Notebook option? The Whiteboards you guys already have built in Sprints for example, would be a fantastic edition to Zoho Notebook. It would be even better if you could use that Canvas like design to draw a diagram/mind map
It Would Be Great if Completed Tasks Would Grey Out
Currently when tasks are completed they only grey out on MacOS in the sticky note while it is open. This greyed out styling should be mimicked on other devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) and should also occur when the sticky is minimized (not full screen).
Convert Notebook to Blog
Notebook is a great app for keeping a personal journal. And it does allow for sharing individual pages. It would be really awesome if a Notebook could be “published” to a website/url for anyone to see who knows the URL. Similar to how Zoho Docs allows a published Writer doc. Or a public shared WorkDrive folder. Essentially turning a Zoho Notebook into a blog.
Zoom in photos
I want to zoom in photo notes.
Add Short and clear browsing + templates !
Hello ! I propose to introduce in next updates a very useful stuff. Browser that will help us to see faster and easily the directory we are looking for, because it becoming annoying when you have a lot of folders... Or maybe i easily to iplement the another way of representation the notes, be title, to be more clear in easy to organize. + Templates that will increase the comfortable use of app. We users , can make and share our own templates, just give us the posibility. I Attach a photo like example
sync with zoho projects (or books, or crm)
would love to be able to link notes to projects, and view/edit them in both apps. this would make the notebook app much more useful for us, and it would tie your products together making them more useful.
Unlimited Space in Whiteboards
I have been using whiteboard in Zoho Notebook and Meetings. Coming from Google workspace (Miro) and MS365, something i miss a lot is having unlimited space in the whiteboard like Miro and MS Whiteboard offer. I hope Zoho also adds this feature.
Smart card flexibility and web clipping
Hi there, I recently kicked Google Keep to the curb after unresolved issues and lack of feature development. I am really liking Notebook but have a few minor issues and/or things I think Keep did well that I wish Notebook did. 1) I love the smart card concept, but find it limiting. I'd like to be able to save recipes but edit them to make notes. I'd like to be able to add a description to a photo card, or change the image or add metadata (description, notes, etc) to a link card. 2) Related, one
Auto Add Title and Tags with AI
Pleade auto categorize notes/tags with ai, or st least make some smart title function that generates titles
Autoenable Nightmode
Hi! Please enable a nightmode at night and daymode at day setting
Attachments for "Write" note type
I have many notes that include attachments. But: I can't write text when I choose "Attach" note type. I can't attach files when I choose "Write" note type. I can't attach multiple files when I choose "Attach" note type. I can't include/link/connect note(s)
MacOS: Float on Top option for Notes
Hi, Apple Notes has this feature to present a note on top of all windows. Such feature would be great to have in Zoho Notes as well! Thank you and best regards Helge
Support Web Clipping to Notebook Stack
The use of Stacks provides a temporary means to store content in what ideally would be subfolders. It would be helpful if, when performing a web-clipping action, we could add something to a Stack within a Notebook versus just a high-level notebook. Ideally,
Tamaño de las letras en teléfonos Android e iOS
Hola, El Tamaño de las Letras y números de notas en Teléfonos Android e iOS es muy pequeño demasiado pequeño no hay ajustes en Zoho para ampliar tamaño letras ¿Cuándo actualizaréis para arreglar el tamaño? Yo los télefonos los tengo ajustados en los ajustes del teléfono en tamaño grande Todas las aplicaciones de mi teléfono se ven bién grande, pero Notebook Zoho las letras en General muy pequeñas, incluso las letras de ajustes de Zoho Saludos y gracias
(un)Intuitive Ungrouping
I understand the methods to ungroup via; however, intuitively, the flow of the ungroup method is cumbersome. I use the web based Notebook and the Android app. On the Android app, the action of opening the stack (group) then ungrouping individual notes if the goal is to ungroup all of the notes in the stack is tedious. While using the app, my instinct to ungroup a stack is to initiate that from the stack overview instead of remove notes
Scroll to Bottom
When scrolling a long list of notes within a Notebook, a "Scroll to Top" link appears. It would be very helpful to me if a "Scroll to Bottom" link was also provided. The same links would also be much appreciated if shown when scrolling within a long
Hi, I'd like to have a scrollbar in the "all notes" overview - I know it's lazy loading but once it's finished it could have a scrollbar. More important I'm missing a scrollbar once I view a not, first for quick navigation, second to see how long the
Enjoying your app so far, some suggestions
First of, up until now I am loving the app and its simplicity. Things that would make me love it even more though; - Being able to custom sort the notes so I can put my "To do list" at the top of my notebook. - Having an android widget that gives me the ability to put one single note (my to do list) on my home screen and being able to check/uncheck boxes from my homescreen without opening the app. (right now I can only put an entire notebook on my homescreen) - Being able to upload custom images
Layout for web browser needs improvement
Hi, I have been using Notebook for a while and I like using it because of it's design. I use it on the phone and the laptop, and I would like to request some features. When I use this app on the laptop, I like to have it all the time on the screen so I make the notes smaller by narrowing the tab. As shown in the picture I uploaded, the notes get crammed with the toolbars at the top and the bottom, overlapping with each other. I wish they were hidden away in a single button. I also strongly wish
Add export option that only export one or selected notebooks
Currently the export function will export ALL data every time, this not only wastes user bandwidth, disk I/O and local storage space, but also consumes more resources on the server. Partial export should be a very basic and easy-to-implement feature.
A Tab/Section for all set Reminders
A clear overview is an important aspect when you're talking about organization, and that one thing I'm still missing in your Notebook is a section for all set Reminders. Like with Favorites you should be able to open it and see all Reminders listed chronologically noted with date and time to get a clear overview of your upcoming schedule, projects, ...
Ability to apply custom note color to more than one note
I used the picker to set my default note color to a custom color, and I would like to set other, existing notes to the same color. It's very difficult to get a precise match using the picker in those notes, but I don't see another way to do it. Let me know if I'm missing something, otherwise here are a few possible ways to address this, from easiest to hardest: (simplest) add a 'default note color' control to the individual note color options, or... (cleanest) automatically add whatever the default
Zoho Notebook - Update Note via Zoho Flow
Hello, Is it possible to update a Zoho Notebook Note via Zoho Flow please ? It doesn't seem to be possible at this moment. Thanks
Make home screen widget more compact
I would like to see notebook widget more compact. Currently single note takes 3-4 lines even if there is only one line of text. Also you can move buttons for add new note etc. to title bar. I would like to see as much text as I can without wasting precious screen area.
Applescript or CLI support
I would like CLI or AppleScript support so I can search or integrate notes into iftt or workflow, or Alfred, etc
Turn off keyboard shortcuts?
Hello, I just started using Zoho Notebooks yesterday and am currently loving it... and intensely hating it at the same time. I love the lockable notebook and notes feature. Honestly, you can't understand how much I love that and so far this is the only program out of around 30 I've found that has that feature. But why isn't there a scroll bar? I'm about to ditch a pretty amazing program for not having a simple scroll bar. The laptop I use to write with isn't touch screen and I've disabled swipe gestures
Paste Mac screenshots from clipboard to menu helper app
The menu app on MacOS has a nice screen shot button, but I pretty much never want an entire screenshot in there. I almost always want a screen selection only. For example, I use CMD+CTL+SHIFT+4 to capture a screen selection with an area selection tool, which copies to clipboard and I paste that image in other apps. I'm not able to paste that image into the menu app. Actually, I just tested, I cannot paste into the main Notebook app either. This would be extremely helpful.
Pomodoro tracker
Greetings all, how about adding a small pomodoro tracker to the program, thanks
checked items to the bottom LOL
hii i really love the notebook app literally if I could only keep three apps on my phone notebook would definitely be on the list lol. if there was a way for the checked items on a checklist to go to the bottom or top and separate from the rest it would
Automation integration for Notebook that does cost $ ?
I see that you're integrating with Zapier, but Zapier is not free. IFTTT and Apple Shortcuts ARE free. Please allow us to automate the processes that we want to use Notebook for by using one of these other workflow apps.
Scheduled Tasks Reminders
It would be nice if aside from the checkboxes and the plain text notes, you would add a scheduled tasks or set of reminders. in check box, I can only alarm once, what, I want is to be able to set an alarm for when each of those tasks should be carried out.
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