This page covers your organization in Zoho Creator, tweaking its logo and favicon, adjusting the namespace, editing contact information, and refining time zone settings for enhanced business efficiency.
Where can I access Organization?
The Organization tab is in the left panel. Simply click it to go to the organization.

What is the organization?
The Organization section is a central location for managing your organization's information and branding within Zoho Creator.
It allows you to customize various aspects of your organization's presence, including:
Logo and favicon
Upload your organization's logo and favicon to create a consistent brand identity across your Creator applications.
Contact information
Provide accurate and up-to-date contact information for your organization, including its name, address, and phone number. This information will be displayed in various places within Creator, ensuring that users can easily reach out to your organization.
Specify your organization's name and time zone. These settings will be used across your Creator applications, ensuring consistency in date and time displays.
How is the organization useful?
There are many benefits to customizing your organization, including:
- Enhancing your organization's brand identity: By using a consistent logo and favicon across your Creator applications, you can create a recognizable brand that users will come to associate with your organization.
- Building trust with users: Providing accurate and up-to-date contact information demonstrates your organization's commitment to transparency and accountability.
- Facilitating better communication: Easy-to-find contact information makes it easy for users to get in touch with your organization if they have any questions or concerns.
Overall, the organization is a valuable tool for organizations that want to personalize their Zoho Creator experience and project a professional image to their audience.
Yes, you can change your organization information at any time.
Simply go to the Organization section and make the desired changes.
What happens if I don't customize my organization?
If you don't customize your organization, the default logo, favicon, and contact information will be used. This may not be ideal if you want to create a consistent brand identity or provide users with easy-to-find contact information.
Is organization customization available to all pricing plans?
Yes, regardless of your pricing plan, you can personalize your organization.
Who has permission to edit organization details?
To maintain a streamlined and standardized process, we restrict the ability to make changes to only the
super admin, who holds ownership of the organization. Other users who are part of the organization have view access to the organization details.
How does customizing the organization benefit my business?
The Organization page is useful for customizing and showcasing your organization's information. By including important information within the application, you not only increase users' trust but also strengthen your brand identity. A well-crafted organization promotes transparency and accountability, cultivating trust in your customers' interactions with your organization.
What are favicons, and how can I customize them for branding purposes?
Favicons are a critical component of branding and identification. They're typically displayed in a web browser's address bar, bookmarks, and tabs, to aid in faster identification. You can customize the favicon to ensure it matches your organization's overall branding.
The Zoho Creator icon will be the default icon for all organizations. However, you can customize/personalize it with one that better represents your organization.
How do I change the logo and favicon for my organization?
Here's how to change the logo/favicon:
- Navigate to the Organization tab on the left.
- Click Upload below the logo/favicon section.

- Drag and drop the image or click Browse in the logo/favicon section and search for the image.

- Select the image and click Upload.

Absolutely! The process of updating contact information in Creator is remarkably straightforward, requiring just a few simple steps.
First, navigate to your Organization page within the Creator platform. From there, you can easily locate the Contact Information tab, where you can click Edit and make the necessary changes. Once you've updated the desired details, don't forget to save your changes to ensure they're successfully applied.
How do I edit the name, address, and phone number of my organization?
To change the contact information of your organization, first navigate to the Organization tab on the left and follow these steps:
- Click Edit in the right corner.
- Follow the steps for each element:
- Organization name: Simply fill in the preferred name for your organization.

- Address: Fill out the street, city, state, and zip/postal code, then select the country/region.

- Change super admin phone: Select your country code from the dropdown and enter your phone number.

- Click Update to save the changes.
What is a namespace?
A namespace is a unique identifier assigned to an organization within a specific system or platform. This unique identifier is used in the URL path. It distinguishes one organization from another and guarantees that data and resources are linked to the relevant organization.
Can I customize my organization's namespace in Zoho Creator?
Yes, you can change your namespace in just a few clicks:
- Navigate to the Organization tab on the left.
- Click Edit in the right corner.
- Enter a namespace to check if it's available.
- Click Update to save the changes.
How long does it take for the changes made to the organization to reflect in the application?
Almost instantaneously! The changes start reflecting as soon as you click the Update button in the organization.
How do I remove the logo/favicon of my organization?
- Navigate to the Organization tab on the left.
- Click Remove below the logo/favicon section.

- You now have the option to either upload a new image or let the Creator default image reflect in your application.
How do I change the time zone in my organization?
- Navigate to the Organization tab on the left.
- Click Edit in the right corner.
- Select your preferred time zone from the dropdown.

- Click Update to save the changes.
What are the file size limitations for logo and favicon images?
The max file size for the logo image is 5 MB, and for the favicon image it's 2 MB.
What are the recommended image dimensions for logo and favicon images?
We recommend a square (1:1) image for the logo. In the case of favicons, both square and Fibonacci rectangle (the height and width of the image can be in the ratio 1:1 or 1:1.5) images work well.
How do I ensure that the company logo I uploaded is displayed in the application?
You can check if the logo is uploaded on the Organization page or simply visit the live application to recheck.