Scheduling posts with Custom Queues

Scheduling Posts with Custom Queues


While managing the social media accounts for your Brand, you might want to set up a pre-determined schedule for your content. This is particularly useful if you want to maintain a consistent posting schedule so your audience can expect to see content from you at regular intervals. A CustomQ helps you ensure that your content is spread out across time and avoid overlapping schedules.

With the CustomQ feature, you will be able to set up different queue slots for every day of the week depending on when you want your content to be published. Then, every time they make a new post, post authors will be able to select CustomQ option from the publishing window, and their post will be scheduled for the next available slot in the CustomQ. 

Setting up CustomQ slots

Only Brand Admins and Portal Admins will be able to set up CustomQ slots. To do this:
  1. Click on Brand Settings under Settings, and then click Publishing.
  2. You will see the CustomQ Settings on the screen. Here you will see a list of days of the week. Click +Add Slot to add a new CustomQ slot to  any of the days.
  3. Choose the desired time slot and click Add. A new slot will be added to that day.
You can add up to 25 queue slots for any day.
Once you've added CustomQ  slots for a particular day of the week, you can clone them to copy the schedule to any other day. Simply hover your mouse over the CustomQ schedule for any of the  days where you've already set them up, and you will see a Clone option. In the pop-up window, choose the days you want to copy the slots to, and click Clone.
Cloning CustomQ slots will not replace any existing slots that are available on the day you're cloning to. The cloned slots will be added as new slots, in addition to any pre-existing schedule.

Publishing posts using CustomQ

All team members who have permission to publish posts for a Brand  can schedule posts to CustomQ slots. To do this: 

  1. Click on the New Post button either from the Home tab or the Posts tab.
  2. Craft your content and then choose Add to Queue from the right side of your Publishing Window.
  3. Under CustomQ, you'll see the next available queue slot. Select the slot and then click Schedule.
If you're not able to see any CustomQ slots, you can set up your CustomQ slots by clicking on Settings. However, this can only be done by a Brand Admin or a Portal Admin. If you do not have one of these roles assigned to you, contact the admins and ask them to set up a few slots.

Deleting CustomQ slots

Let's say you want to change your posting schedule for different days, or you just want to reduce the number of slots you're publishing on. You will need to delete the CustomQ slots that have already been created. This can be done by Brand Admins or Portal Admins.

To delete a CustomQ slot:
  1. Click on Brand Settings under Settings, and click Publishing.
  2. You will see the CustomQ Settings on the screen, and the list of slots that have already been set up.
  3. Simply hover your mouse over the slot you want to remove and click the "X" button. The slot will be deleted.
Any content that has already been scheduled for that queue slot will not be affected. It will be published as scheduled, unless you delete or reschedule the post manually.

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