Zoho project – Workdrive integration.
Hello everyone, I was wondering something, we did the Zoho projects integration with Zoho Workdrive but nowhere during this integration we could set the location of the folders that would be automatically created in Workdrive. As I understand it, it creates
Enable Timesheet for Client Users
In Zoho Projects, the client users can log work hours in timesheets and track the time spent on tasks and issues. This permission can be enabled only by the portal owner or the admin. For instance, If the administrator wants a client user to add the time
Power of Automation :: Automatically approve the pending timelogs at your preferred time
Hello Everyone, A custom function is a software code that can be used to automate a process and this allows you to automate a notification, call a webhook, or perform logic immediately after a workflow rule is triggered. This feature helps to automate
Bulk create tasks - Zoho Projects API
Hi Zoho/Community, I am trying to create multiple tasks in a single API call, is there a way we can combine multiple request bodies into one single payload? The issue I am facing is the rate limiting on the API, I wanted to create certain amount of tasks
Workload Reports
Under Reports > Workload Reports, would it be possible to get Kanban view sorted by Task Owner? Seems like it'd be an easier/ quicker view of how many tasks are assigned to each user and what status they're at. Also gives you more information about the
How to associate a task with a milestone
Hi there, Is it possible to associate a Task with a Milestone without creating a TaskList please? When creating the task there's no such option (or at least I am not able to find it). When you click on the created task, however, on the right hand side there's a field that says Associated Milestone: None (please see the screenshot attached). This field doesn't seem to have an edit option? Can someone please advise? Thanks in advance, Lina
Difference between Admin, Team leader/Manager, Clinets/user profile and roles in Zoho Project
I've been wondering to find out the difference between the key feature of Admin,Manager, and client/user in Zoho Project. I am student and trying to learn about the Zoho Project. I could not find the roles and profiles difference between this 3 users
Error when changing user permission from read only to user.
Hi there, Ive tried to change one of my users to be able to edit, however i kept getting the error user license exceed.
Power of Automation :: Trigger Automatic reminders to the task owners five days before the due date.
Hello Everyone, A Custom Function is a user-written set of code to achieve a specific requirement. Set the required conditions needed as to when to trigger using the Workflow rules (be it Tasks / Project) and associate the custom function to it. Requirement:-
Disabling Tasks module- Zoho Projects app update
Hello everyone! In the latest Android(v3.9.19) and iOS(v3.9.6) versions of the Zoho Projects mobile app, we have implemented enabling/ disabling the Task module as per your portal configuration on the Zoho Projects desktop site(projects.zoho.com). If
Assign task owner using Deluge
Use Case: Each task is a document development task wherein once the developer has completed the first draft, the next step in the process is for the document to be QA-ed by the project's assigned auditor. Thus, I am currently working out a blueprint where
Task Timer is missing
Hi, new here to Zoho... just discovered it yesterday and it looks like a really excellent application!! I signed up but seem to have actually lost some functionality since I did ?! The handy little way to update your timesheets by mousing over the task and clicking on the green clock is no longer there for me. I am talking about what is described in this post: http://forums.zoho.com/forumHome.do?forumGroupId=2266000000002001&forumTopicId=2266000000027532# Now the green clock icon does not appear.
Hide recent projects section?
Is there a way to hide the recent projects section? It's not that useful to us and never gets looked at, but takes up valuable screen real estate. Can't see an option or any button to close it. Can we do this? If not can it be added? Chris.
project profitability
I would love to be able to see my costs for non-billable tasks without that impacting my revenue budget. My project budget type is based on project and my billing method is based on staff hours. if I turn on the option to include non-billable hours in
Default Sort Order in Project Tasks View
It should be possible to specify a default sort order (or have the last explicit sort order restored upon reload) for the tasks in the project tasks view. Currently the sort order must be manually re-selected for each sub-group whenever any changes are
Status properties
Hello, I created a new status called "Hold", but I want Zoho to recognize that when a project is on "Hold" the tasks will not appear as open and the deadlines will not show as delinquent. Basically, freezing the project until it's ready to start up again.
Is there a Kanban view of Tasks across all Projects?
As the title indicates, I could use a Kanban view of my Tasks across my Projects. If it's there, I don't see it. If it isn't there, I'd like to submit this as a feature request. Thx.
Power BI connector (Zoho Creator) to Zoho Projects
How can i connect power bi to Zoho Projects? domain is zoho.com How can i find workspace name, application link name and Report link name?
Is it possible to hide Developer Space for all user in Zoho Projects
Hello! I am Zoho admin in a company and we want to use Zoho Project to manage projects, but after a few days of testing we are not able to "hide" the Developer Space from all kind of users except the admin. To sum up, I want to hide this for all users.
If I turn off the Task Prefix & ID in the Portal Configuration section, will it remove the dependencies in my projects?
Hi all, basically the title, I am new to zoho projects and trying to get my head around some basic principles. Unfortunately I have not found this information via the search option and after deleting yesterday some Phases I had created in the Phases tab,
Multiple time zones in zoho projects
We are working in an international team. We need to set up different time zones in the organizational settings or at least for one project within zoho projects. Any ideas or help? Thx in advance
Power of Automation :: Automatically archive your inactive Projects
Hello Everyone, A custom function is a software code that can be used to automate a process and this allows you to automate a notification, call a webhook, or perform logic immediately after a workflow rule is triggered. This feature helps to automate
Zoho Projects 2024 Recap
Dear Users, As we conclude another remarkable year, it's the time to reflect on the journey we've just completed. The year 2024, defined by significant milestones, challenges, achievements, and important lessons. Every moment has contributed to the story
Add an "Impersonate" feature to Zoho Projects
It would be nice to have an "impersonate" feature added to Zoho Projects that would allow administrators to impersonate employees to enable administrators to see for themselves what employees can and cannot see in the system. I am aware of all of the
Change work hours per day for employees
Hello, Is there a way to modify the work hours per day for employees in Zoho projects? This would be helpful for resource allocation to more accurately see when an employee who works 35 hours a week vs 40 hours has a full schedule. Thanks.
Lockable Due Dates
Hello, is there a way to FIX due date of task or task list, so that they cannot be moved by linked task that are late? Like having a sort of "limit date" that would create an alert if not reached?
Power of Automation: Automatically sync custom field data between two tasks.
Hello Everyone, A Custom Function is a user-written set of code to achieve a specific requirement. Set the required conditions needed as to when to trigger using the Workflow rules (be it Tasks / Project) and associate the custom function to it. Requirement:-
Custom view for Milestones
Hi, Just an idea for the future... would it be possible to create custom views for the Milestones view under Work Overview ? I usually need to look at this view filtered by project group but the filter doesn't remain when navigating away. A custom view
Copy, Duplicate, or Clone a Custom View?
I searched the forums and didn't see anything on the subject. Is there a way to copy, duplicate or clone a custom view? I want a custom view similar to one I've already created. I just want the columns in different order.
Zoho Projects is down
Is anyone else having problems getting to Zoho Projects? We are getting a Zoho server error, impacting our business.... I thought Zoho had HA for their Applications!?
Book project costs to tasks
Hi all, New to zoho but far from new to this sort of platform. I've been scouring the web for a suitable platform for my growing business. I'm currently using Xero and WorkFlow Max but it lacks a key need. I signed up to zoho projects and books to test
Power of Automation :: Automatically close the associated tasks once the Issues are closed
Hello Everyone, A Custom Function is a user-written set of code to achieve a specific requirement. Set the required conditions needed as to when to trigger using the Workflow rules (be it Tasks / Project) and associate the custom function to it. We have
Formatting of Gantt Chart for PDF export
Hi all, There really needs to be some improvements to the presentation of exported PDF Gantt Charts. An exported format is the way that most people on a project (other than the PM directly) will consume this data. The current PDF export options are lacking a lot of control. - I'd like to firstly have control over the export size of the PDFs (A4, A3 etc), Currently it seems arbitrary - very large aspect ratio print sizes. - Next i'd like to be able to specify the print date range, and scale (show
In Zoho Projects, is there a way to create a folders template under documents that can be used once a project is created?
We have a specific folder structure that we would like to use that is standard across every project. Instead of having to create this structure every time a project is created, is there a way to create a template for the folders that can be added?
Zoho Projects Roadshow, USA - 2024
Dear Users, We are happy to announce the Zoho Projects Roadshows 2024 in USA. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about Zoho Projects and gain in-depth knowledge of the advanced features. Our team will also discuss industry specific solutions
Workflows for Timesheet
Good day, Any way to have timesheet as triggers? I looked into Zoho Flow and into Zoho Project automation but no where can I have timesheet as a trigger. Basically, I would like to trigger something upon timesheet approval. Right now, the only way to
Power of Automation :: Automatically start / pause / stop timer on task status update.
Hello Everyone, A Custom function is a user-written set of code to achieve a specific requirement. Set the required conditions needed as when to trigger using the Workflow rules (be it Tasks / Project) and associate the custom function to it. Requirement:-
Managing Prepaid Hours for Consulting
We are a consulting firm that bills clients a flat upfront annual fee plus an hourly rate and offer a discount for pre-paying a block of hours. Hours that surpass the pre-paid block are billed monthly at the normal rate. If there are any pre-paid hours remaining at the end of the project they are banked for future use. I'm not seeing a method of doing this in Projects/Books/CRM... thoughts?
Data export
I need to export our customer's data and projects' data for our purpose but am unable to export full data i only get around 3160 projects and around 2k customer can you please help me to get full data, please
Project Billing with the Staff Hours Method in Zoho Projects
The Staff Hours Billing Method in Zoho Projects allows you to bill your clients based on the actual time spent by each team member on a project, at the rate set for each user. This is useful for projects where different skill sets are needed and service
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