Portal Configuration

Portal Configuration

In the Portal Configuration, we help you configure your company settings, customize fields, groups, and templates, and configure all the project modules with ease.


  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Click the Upload button.
  4. Click Choose File and select an image from your local computer.
  5. Click Upload.
    • You can also remove the logo by clicking Delete.
  • Supported file formats are jpg/gif/png/jpeg.
  • File size should not exceed 500 KB.
  • Preferred size of an image is 70x30.

Portal Details

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Click  to the right of your company name.
  4. Modify the Company NameWeb Address, postal address, and Time Zone.
  5. Click Update.

Prefix & ID

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. In the Prefix & ID section, you can enable/disable Project IDs.
  4. The current project prefix is shown in an editable section. If desired, modify the project prefix and click Update.
    • The Project prefix cannot be more than 10 characters and can contain alphabets & hyphen only.


  • Bug IDs cannot be disabled. Only the prefix can be updated.

Sender Email

To send email notifications from your own email address, you can simply configure the Sender Email and domain.

  • Available in Enterprise plan (user based pricing).
  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Enter your email address in the Sender Email section and click Verify. A Hostname and Value will be generated.
    • You are restricted from entering a public domain email address.

  1. Login to your DNS manager and add the generated value in the TXT record.
  2. Click Verify your domain in sender email settings in Portal Configuration.
  3. Once your domain is verified, a verification code will be sent to the email address entered.
    • If you didn’t receive the verification code to the email address, click Resend verification code.
  4. Enter the verification code and click Verify Email.

After your domain and email address is verified, the Zoho Projects notifications will be sent from the customized sender email address.


  • Your domain verification will fail if you don’t add the generated value in the TXT record of your DNS manager. You should not remove this from TXT record as long as you use Zoho Projects.

Edit Sender Email

  1. Click  to the right of your Sender Email address.
  2. Confirm your action. If you click Change, the current sender email configuration will no longer work.
  3. Configure the new sender email address and verify your domain and email address.
  4. If you don't configure a new sender email address, the notifications will be sent from the default address notifications@zohoprojects.com.

Portal URL Change

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. In the Portal URL Change sectionthe current portal name is present in the editable area. If desired, modify the portal name and click Update.
    • The new name will reflect the next time you log in or refresh your portal
    • The Portal URL cannot hold special characters

Portal Owner Change

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Select New Portal Owner from the drop-down.
    • Only Admins will be listed in the drop-down
    • This feature is enabled only for the paid plans

Date & Time Settings

Date format and business hours settings

You can now set date formats, business hours / days and holiday list for your company to precisely calculate the project deliverables. And you can also calculate the bug duration based on the actual number of hours or days.

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Click Date & Time Settings.
  4. Set the Date Format ,Time Format and the First Day of the Week.
  5. Set how long the Business Hours are, for a day.
  6. Skip Weekends by selecting the working days of your work week. The days unselected will be considered as weekends and the work item's duration will be calculated accordingly.
  7. Click Update when you are done with all the above settings.
  • The Business Hours, Skip Weekends, and Configure Holidays settings are available in the Premium plan.
  • The work duration that you define as Business Hours will be taken into account to calculate a work item's duration.

Configure holidays

Learn to configure holidays in Zoho BugTracker here.

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Click Date & Time Settings.
  4. Navigate to the Skip Weekends section and click the Configure Holidays link.
  5. Enter the holiday details and Add Holiday.

  • To delete an existing holiday, hover over the holiday and Delete Holiday.
  • You can select weekends or holidays displayed in gray color as start or end dates for bugs in pop out calendars. This option is available only in our Premium plan.

Bugs & Timesheet

Timesheet billing and approval status

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Click Bugs & Timesheet.
  4. Navigate to the the Timesheet Billing Status and Timesheet Approval Process section.
  5. Set your default billing and approval status respectively.
  6. Click Update.

Time-log period settings

Time logs are an effective way to track your users' hours. You can customize your past and future time-log settings, or even remove time logs entirely.

To customize your time-log settings:

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Click Bugs & Timesheet.
  4. Navigate to the the TIme-log Period Settings section.
  5. Allow, Don't Allow or Customize.
  6. Click Update.

Log Past Time

This setting determines whether to log past time.

Here are your options:


Log all past time

Don't AllowDo not log past time

Allow past time logs for any specific length of time. Weekends and configured holidays will not be taken into account when selecting your time-log span.

For example:

-If you select 5 days before  09/19/2016, you will log time till  - 09/12/2016

-If you select 5 weeks before  09/19/2016, you will log time until 08/12/2016

-If you select 5 months before 09/19/2016, you will log time until 04/19/2016

Log Future Time

This setting determines whether to log future time.

Here are your options:

AllowLog all future time
Don't AllowDo not log future time

Allow future time logs for any specific length of time. Weekends and configured holidays will not be taken into account when selecting your time-log span.


-If you select 5 days from 09/19/2016, you can log time until 09/26/2016

-If you select 5 weeks from 09/19/2016, you can log time until 10/24/2016

-If you select 5 months from 09/19/2016, you can log time until 02/19/2017

The Time-log settings will reflect in the following modules:

Affected modulesRelevant actionAffected module component
BugsLog hours for individual bugs.Date picker
  • Log Time

Logging time for a particular bug is added on a daily basis.

Date picker
  • Weekly Log Time

Logging time for a particular bug on a weekly basis.

Date picker

  • Calendar

Logging time  or editing an existing time log.

Date picker

  • Update Log Hours

Editing log entries.

Date picker


Joan wants to allow time-log entries for all past days while restricting entries to only two weeks in the future.

  1. Set the Past time-log to Allow- past days.
  2. Set the Future time-log to custom—2 weeks in the future

If the current date is 02/15/2017, all the users in the project will be able to log entries for all past days, and only until 03/01/2017 in the future. These settings will be reflected in all date pickers shown above.


Time-Log settings for strict projects

Changes to the time-log settings will only be reflected when the specified number of days is within the date range scheduled for strict projects.

For example: 

Strict project date range: 09/01/2016 - 09/30/2016

When time-log settings are configured to five weeks before and after the current date (09/19/2016), time cannot be logged because the settings are not within the date range.

Rename bugs tab

  1. Click  in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration section and click Org Settings.
  3. Click Bugs & Timesheet in the left panel.
  4. Scroll the page and navigate to the Rename Bugs Tab section.
  5. Enter a Name to be displayed in the Links or Commands across projects.
  6. Enter a Name and icon to be displayed in the Tabs across projects. To change the icon for the Bugs module, hover over the default icon and select your favorite icon.
  7. Click Update at the bottom of the page.

Project Custom Fields

A layout helps you structure your form by adding fields. Zoho BugTracker lets you create and add custom fields to the layout.

 Create custom field

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  3. Click Standard Layout to add a custom field.
  4. Drag and drop a field type from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
    • Single-line text field: Add one line of text.
    • Multi-line text field: Add multiple lines of text. Hit Enter to key in more information.
    • Pick List field: Create your own dropdown using a pick list. Set values and wrap them under a pick list as per your business needs.
    • User Pick List field: Use this field when you have to store usernames.
    • Date: Store dates in this field. 
    • Number: Store numbers in this field. A number can have a maximum of 19 digits. You can either store an integer or a decimal in this field.
  5. Click Add Field to include the field in the layout. When you Cancel, the field is never stored anywhere.
  • A maximum of 45 custom fields can be created.
  • These fields cannot be duplicated.
  • Removing a field’s association from a layout will not incur data loss in the project. However, deleting a field from the portal will do so.

Add single-line text field

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  3. Click Standard Layout to add a custom field.
  4. Drag and drop the Single-Line Text field from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
  5. Enter a Field Name. The field name is mandatory and unique.
  6. Set a Default Value  if necessary.
  7. Click Add Field.


  • Single line text fields can be marked as containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.

Add multi-line text field

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  3. Click Standard Layout to add a custom field.
  4. Drag and drop the Multi-Line Text field from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
  5. Enter a Field Name. The field name is mandatory and unique.
  6. Set a Default Value if necessary.
  7. Click Add Field.


  • Multi-line text fields can be marked as containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.

Add pick list field

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  3. Click Standard Layout to add a custom field.
  4. Drag and drop the Pick List field from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
  5. Enter a Field Name. The field name is mandatory and unique.
  6. Add values. A pick list cannot be empty. Enter valid data in the editable text area and click Add Value.
    • Click the cross icon  beside a value to delete it.
  7. Select a Default Value if necessary.
  8. Click Add Field.

Add user pick list field

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  3. Click Standard Layout to add a custom field.
  4. Drag and drop the User Pick List field from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
  5. Enter a Field Name. The field name is mandatory and unique.
  6. Select users.
  7. Click Add Field.

Add date field

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  3. Click Standard Layout to add a custom field.
  4. Drag and drop the Date field from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
  5. Enter a Field Name. The field name is mandatory and unique.
  6. Click Add FieldLearn how to edit an existing field.

Add number field

  1. Click  in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  3. Click Standard Layout to add a custom field.
  4. Drag and drop the Number field from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
  5. Enter a Field Name. The field name is mandatory and unique.
  6. Choose whether the number is an integer or a decimal. A maximum of five integers and five decimals can be created.
  7. Click Add Field.
  • Number fields can be marked as containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.

Edit custom field

  1. Navigate to  > Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  2. Open the standard layout editor and hover over the custom field you would like to edit.
  3. Click the pencil icon .
  4. Edit the field properties except the field name. You can change the field name also but the new name will be reflected in all the projects.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Custom fields can be edited in Premium plan only.

Reorder custom field

  1. Navigate to  > Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  2. Open the standard layout editor and hover over the custom field you would like to reorder.
  3. Drag and swap with another field in the editor. You can reorder fields as many times as you want until you get the desired order..
  4. Click Save Field Order.

Remove custom field from layout

  1. Navigate to  > Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Projects.
  2. Open the standard layout editor and hover over the custom field you would like to dissociate.
  3. Click the cross icon .
  4. Confirm your action.
  • Removing a project custom field will not permanently delete it from the database.
  • The custom field will be moved to the Available Fields tray and it can be reused anytime later from this tray.
  • The data stored in the field will not be lost.

Delete custom field from portal

  1. Navigate to  -> Portal Configuration -> Layouts and Fields -> Projects -> Fields.
  2. Hover over the field you would like to delete.
  3. Click the trash icon .
    • Deleting a custom field will affect all the projects in the portal. 
    • The data stored in the field will be lost
  4. Confirm your action.
  • Deleting a field from a portal will permanently delete it from the database.

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