Custom Functions | Help - Zoho Bookings

Custom Functions

Super admins and Admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff will not have access to this information.

Custom functions help with automating actions that require procedural logic and that cannot be executed using default actions. For example, to send email or SMS notifications, we can use the Notifications feature, which is available by default. But let's say we need to create an invoice in Zoho Invoice as soon as an appointment is booked. Manually performing this task for every appointment is tedious, so we can automate it using Custom Functions by writing simple scripts in Deluge, Zoho's scripting language.  
Deluge has a predefined syntax for every action you want to perform. From running loops to using conditional statements, from integrating with other Zoho Services to making API calls to other external services and much more, Deluge covers it all.
Custom Functions can be triggered when an appointment is:
  1. Booked
  2. Rescheduled
  3. Canceled
  4. Marked as Completed
  5. Marked as No Show 
Useful information about the appointment is stored as key-value pairs in a map variable named "bookingInfo". This information is readily available for use while writing scripts using Custom Functions. The key can be used to retrieve a particular value. Learn about the applicable key-value pairs here.
To configure Custom Functions:
  1. Click the Manage Business  icon in the top right corner, then click Workspaces.

  2. Click the required workspace and choose Custom Functions.

  3. Click Configure next to the event for which the function must be triggered.

  4. In the Deluge editor that opens, write the required script.

  5. Click Save.
Scripts can also be executed instantly by clicking Execute.

Custom Functions will be triggered only for events that have been enabled by checking the relevant boxes.

Table displaying the fields along with the information they store


Field Name

Deluge Name (to be used in scripting)

Information stored

Booking ID


ID of the appointment

Workspace ID


ID of the workspace in which the service exists

Workspace Name


Name of the workspace in which the service exists

Staff ID


ID of the concerning staff

Staff Name


Name of the concerning staff

Staff Email


Email address of the staff

Staff Contact Number


Contact number of the staff



List of staff email addresses assigned for the collective booking appointment

Service ID


ID of the concerning service

Service Name


Name of the concerning service

Service Description


Description of the concerning service

Resource Name


Name of the concerning resource

Resource ID


ID of the concerning resource

Resource Description


Description of the concerning resource

Customer Email


Email address of the concerning customer

Customer Name


Name of the concerning customer

Customer First Name


First name of the concerning customer

Customer Last Name


Last name of the concerning customer

Customer Contact Number


Phone number of the concerning customer

Customer Booking Time Zone


Time zone applicable to the customer

Customer Booking Start Time



Appointment start time


(applicable only to appointments raised by the customer)


Customer More Info


Values of custom fields added to registration form

Booking Start Time


Appointment start time in customer's time zone

Booking End Time


Appointment end time in customer's time zone

Booking ISO Start Time


Appointment start time in ISO format

Booking ISO End Time


Appointment end time in ISO format



Duration of the appointment



Total amount for the appointment

Cost Paid


Amount paid so far for the appointment

Due Amount


Balance amount to be paid by the customer

Booked On


Date on which the appointment was booked

Booking Status


Status of the booking

Booking Type


Type of the service

Booking Summary URL


Link to the booking summary



Notes given by staff/customer for the appointment's last action (Add/Reschedule/Cancel)

Time zone


Time Zone of the business



Currency in which the business sets the pricing

Assist info


Assist session link

Meeting info


Meeting start link or join link

Meeting Joinlink


Meeting join link


The fields are stored as keys, along with their values in a predefined map variable named "bookingInfo". To fetch a required key, use the Deluge get function. For example, to fetch the booking ID and store it in a variable named "bookingID", use the following snippet: 
  1. bookingID = bookingInfo.get("booking_id");
Learn about Deluge here.
Note: The number of workspaces that can be added is governed by the subscription plan that users hold with Zoho Bookings.

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