Meetings lose connection to server
I have run a couple of test meetings and during the meeting, the viewers are kicked out for about 10 - 15 seconds and the refreshed into the meeting. Their screen says meeting ended and then they are brought back in. From my presenter screen, I receive a balloon indicating that connection with the remote server was lost. Any way to prevent that from happening?
starting meetings
Why can't I start a meeting on my mac. tomwhita
Zoho Meeting Proxy Server Details
Is there a way for someone to be a presenter when they are greeted with a message about entering proxy server user name and password details or does this mean a corporate IT department in blocking Zoho Meeting? vo_resolvedllc
Yahoo email invitations
Has anyone else experienced difficulty sending Zoho meeting invitations to those with a Yahoo mail account? They don't seem to be getting through - even into the spam folder. Thank you, Amanda
zoho meeting
please add ability to draw on screen with virtual pen or marker so can direct attention to certain places on a document such as a sales proposal or quote kschuyler1
Zoho Meeting opens multiple desktops
Hi, Once I log in and start a session . Instead of seeing one desktop it keeps opening multiple instances of the desktop . Win XP IE 6 Firefox
Worked fine for me
I tried Zoho Meeting today and it worked just fine between myself and two other people. Yes, it does have a lag time between 2-5 seconds, but that's okay. At this point I am glad to have an option to Webex that is free. But I read that Meeting is in Beta, so how much will this cost in the future?
Can't get Meeting to work
Hello, I started a meeting as a presenter, however the participant's screen said that the meeting was still waiting for the presenter. I'm using Firefox
I am newbie here.
Hi. Im new on this forum. Cute, a lot of useful info here. But i want to know where i can read more? Any directions?
Remote Assistance- taking control...
Is this a bug or are we missing something? I've tried this several times - I can view the other person's desktop but no option to take control or give control. How is this done? FYI: Rather than only emailing the link, provide a link you can copy and paste into a chat window. I simply email the link to myself and then copy and paste it into a chat with my client. Add that functionality and the ability to take control and this is a big winner.
Remote Assistance
I would like to use the Java Viewer in Remote Assistance mode. Is there a way to do that? bshafer
Errors / Not able to take control
I conducted my first meeting last night. My mother received a new Vista powered Dell laptop for Christmas and with her acting as the presenter, I was able to view her screen 3 states away on my XP machine. This was a wonderful tool to help explain things to my mother! A few quick problems, though: (1) The participant list did not have my account listed, but had my mother's listed twice. Her email account was listed as the presenter and as an additional participant, while my email address was not
ZOHO Meeting - Long delays caused by consecutive refresh
First let me say that the tool is designed very well, installs easily and operates well most of the time. Good job Zoho! However, I have noticed instances where there are long delays on the presenters desktop. The delay occurs while I am logged into a windows client server application and the application appears to issue several consecutive screen or window refreshes (possibly invalidate rect calls) wich causes long delays and requires the presenter to stop and restart the session. I would expect
reminder email
It would be good to send a reminder email with the join meeting link. One hour before scheduled start date. People tend to lose track of emails within days of them being sent. What is the most convenient way to send out a reminder meeting to the same group of invitees as the original email. Better yet send a reminder email to the original group plus additional invitees. Thanks communityfinancialresourc
What is Future of Zoho Meeting, beyond Beta?
What are the future plans of Zoho Meeting beyond the Beta phase? Will there be a charge? Or similar to CRM, free up until 3 users? Cheers, DC
going in to a meeting
I am unable to start my meeting. I have everything set up right, but after I download the agent, nothing happens lizethpaola
Presenter vs. Participant
I just conducted my first meeting on Zoho. Had some newbie glitches (didn't realize that when you start the meeting there was nothing else you need to do (like launch a player or something) as everyone just views your desktop in their viewer). Anyway, the question... I was the presenter, but I really needed another participant on the meeting to become the presenter and show the team a document on his desktop. He was only able to take control of my desktop, which didn't really help much. Can you change
I can't get this to work on Firefox
I can't get this to work on Firefox Any thoughts? trevormccaw
Cannot Create Meeting
About an hour ago I created a test meeting and all worked properly. Now I'm trying to set up a meeting, when click on "create" after filling in the meeting details, "Creating Please Wait..." appears briefly, then changes to "Unexpected Exception!" and returns me to the list of meetings page, with no new meeting created. Do you need any further information? Thank you for your assistance.
Zoho Meetings
To be truly neutral and web based application, you cannot tie it to any particular platform, like in this case, a "Windows PC." This is a message I was greeted with after trying to organize a meeting from my Linux Ubuntu based system: "Presenter should be on a Windows PC!" What about a Mac? Are you going to exclude those as well? Web is about choices and neutrality. Why would you want to tie it back from something everyone tries to get away from: a computer running Windows?? bmynars
Connection Problems
Help!!! I have successfully set up a couple of meetings but now have a problem with another person - they are being asked for proxy host details and proxy credentials....what do we do now?? markgilbert
remote installation
I am trying thisout but do not find the remote user setup to be friendly at all. It is unclear when it asks if I want to start the meeting. If I am the remote user and not the host, why would I be asked to start the meeting? And when I tried, it wants me to downlaod a zip file. that is too confusing for a remote user.
Sharing Participant Key/Multiple Participants...
Just emailed support but realized a public answer may help others. I noticed there is only space for 4 participant email addresses. How do I add more? If I cannot, can multiple people log in from multiple locations using the same meeting key? Thanks!
ZOHO Meeting - Troubleshooting Feature
I provide tech support for a proprietary order entry program used by 300 of our customers. ZOHO Meetings is a wonderful tool. It is so much easier to understand a customers problem when we can actually see their screen. Great job ZOHO!! I have not noticed the "Trouble Shooting" feature before, si I just now tried it out. I entered the e-mail address of another PC here in our office. From that PC I clicked the link it the e-mail sent from ZOHO Troubleshooting. The ZOHO screen opened & displayed a
Can't get Zoho Metting to work inside my firewall
Are there any ports that need to be enabled? msboz
has window update broken the active x install in IE?
Just tried this on 2 different computers and when it got to installing the active x control, windows rejected it because it was from an unknown author. There was no option to change the settings. (whereas previoulsy there had been a yellow warning shield, this time it was red. is there a workaround?
fork process
I'm a telecom & info engineer. I tried your pertinent application, in general it turn very well, however i discovred a bug. Before inviting a person for the zoho meeting, i had the idea to invite first myself using my second email address, the problem is that the fact to run both the client and the server on the same machine (same IP address) cause a loop of the famous "fork" process. Cordialy rhani00
chat not working
I love zoho meeting. It is awesome, but for some reason, the chat portion is not working. If I am the presenter, they do not see me trying to chat and if they try to invoke chat, I cannot see that either. Thanks Rob
I just had my first online presentation 4 out of 5 people got in no problem. PHENOMONAL for new tryers you have to disable stuff that screens ie. Cyberpatrol and others to make it move smoother. Great job ZOHO dkoegel
crashed when plugin tried to install mitchellt
12 people on webconf
Can I have 12 people on a webconf with Z/Meeting? And what would the absolute maximum number be ... not 100's but I mean 15, 20, 25? Thanks and great program. Joel
WebConference With Video, or just screen sharing?
I'm confused. That's normal though. Is Zoho meeting a webconference program with video --- attendees and particpants using web cameras -- or a screen sharing program? Thanks, Joel Cohen
Excellent Stuff
Hi zoho team, Its been my pleasure to test the zoho meeting. Its a good presentation and worked well. But i got a Alert window stating "exception while formatting.[object error]". I hope that would be fixed shortly. Good Work Zoho :)
Mobile Support
Can Meeting be used from a Palm Treo running Palm OS or Windows Mobile ? How about from say a BlackBerry ?
What Would Max Number Be?
What, out of curiousity would a reasonable maximum number of particpants be? thanks, joel
Troubleshooting implementation twists to simplify use
A slight twist on implementation could really make meeting very valuable for troubleshooting and supporting family and friends, customers, etc. I would love to be able to have a link on my website or that I can simply e-mail to a customer to click. It would take them to a page on my website with instructions, possible video explaining how it will work, and a link to install the agent. Then they would click a "Request Live Support" type button. I would then have a little agent installed on my computer
Get Error Message
I cannot load Zoho Meeting - I get a 'Cannot Connect with the Server' dialog message when I try to load. Any suggestions? Greg Cross gcross
Download Meeting Manager
I have used meeting successfully a few times to allow me to remote control someone else's computer. I know you guys have done an excellent job of making this easy, but I still have problems talking people through installing the client (this is why I need to remote them because they have problems like this). I know when you are initially installing the client there is an option to download a zip file and install directly. All my machines did the auto-install correctly, so now I don't get that link
Meeting using Windows Millenium??
Can a presenter be using Windows Millenium? Zoho Meeting seems to identify this OS as Windows 98. Thanks!
First look observations
I have just done my first sample meeting to test the functionality. lag and usability. I must say I was quite pleased with everything. Sharing worked fine with only a 1-3 second lag at longest. Control passed back and forth nicely. Chat was functional, however perhaps something like clicking a user in your chat window could inform the user someone wanted to chat with them, even if they do not have a chat window open. If this functionality is in the participants list forgive me, I didn't check there,
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