Zoho Remote Writer seems broken today. please help
Hello, Collaborations are not working correctly as in nothing is syncing between users. Names are not showing up correctly on a collaborated user. I am getting these messages in the browsers console. Refused to set unsafe header "Content-length" Refused to set unsafe header "Connection" Refused to set unsafe header "Content-length" Refused to set unsafe header "Connection" Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) https://contacts.zoho.com/file?ID=$3409212840692606362
document presence on sheet not working
Since the round of updates I've had to bypass presence checking for the sheet app. Are there any known issues regarding that? thanks
My document not saved on same server
Hi.. am trying to save update d file on same server but it can't be. am very worried please give me solution. also it gives message -Document Saved Successfully here's my code-- form.php :- <form method="POST" action="https://exportwriter.zoho.com/remotedoc.im" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="_self" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <input type="hidden" name="url" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="apikey" value="cec91fb9cc3a4b62fc96ba785bb734e3"> <input type="hidden"
Get opened file mode
I'm currenlty working in Zoho API it is ok but when I try to get opened file mode I only found remotedocStatus.sas available and it doesn't give an answer. ispresent= true, collaboratorsCount = N are helpful but what about mode?
Custome save message using remote API
Hi , Is there a sample code for custom save message using remote API for Zoho Sheet. Specially in PHP will be helpful. We are not able to send the response properly so it says document cannot be saved. When we remove code for custom message it works well with default saved document message. Thanks. Regards, Srinivas
Zoho Remote API Update - Monitoring UDS Usage Levels
Zoho Remote API has enhanced its monitoring feature and is strictly tracking UDS usage levels. We're also going to roll-out the restrictions once the free usage level is reached - which stands at 1000 UDS per month. Henceforth, all the Zoho API calls will be rendered invalid and the Zoho API Partners will get the following exception when they have exhausted the free usage level: RESULT=TRUE ERROR_CODE=1893 WARNING=UDS Limit Exceeded. You can check for the different Zoho API Commercial Plans and its
Remote API usage
Hello, I wish to integrate ZOho writer, Zoho sheet and Zoho Show into an online storage service using the remote API. I'm trying to reach your support for days now with no answer. I have seen this service on adrive.com but it does not seem to be working at all. My questions: 1. Is it at all possible to integrate Zoho services to an online storage service? 2. what is the pricing model, I need to understand the costs before starting the development. I'd appreciate any response, Thanks, Shay
Viewing a document in Zoho Viewer
Hi to all My requirement is Intigrate Zoho Remote API(Viewer) to my .Net application. My scenario is like this. All uploaded documents will be stored in file repository on our server machine. These documents will be shown to user in a grid. When user click on any document, that particular document should open in Zoho Remote API(Viewer) to do further modifications in same browser tab. Can any one please guide me to do this task. I didn't understand how to send file content. Thanks in advance.
Upload a file
Hi to all My requirement is, have to integrate ZOHO Remote API to my .net application. My Scenario is like this. Basically all documents will be stored in file Repository on our server machine. These documents will be shown in grid to user. When user click on any document then that particular document should open in Zoho Remote API in same browser. So that User can modify his document. I find following link https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/problem-with-uploading-presentation-file-ppt-pps-to-zoho-show-with-httpwebrequest-in-net
remote api - pivot tables
Are there any plans to add pivot tables to the remote API? Is it a technical limitation or something that might be offered in the future? -andy
How can i remove read only access to the Excel file?
I have implemented zoho editor. Modifying word files are working fine . But for excel, its showing read-only. So i am not able to modify the files . I gave full permission to the file in server . But still i am not able to configure it.. So how can i remove read-only access? How can i give read-only permission for certain files based on user roles?
How long will Zoho remote API retain documents (doc writer and doc viewer)
I am implementing doc writer and viewer in my site.The data is confidential. So could you please tell me that how long will zoho retain the documents?
Save Sheet as XLS and HTML
Is there a way to receive both versions of the Excel document - an XLS and HTML Version - when the user is saving the spreadsheet? Right now I am posting the spreadsheet as XLS file and then I am parsing the file through an XLS to HTML converter with ColdFusion and the JAVA ApachePOI classes. Unfortunately, the converter has some limits. Not all colors, fonts, font-sizes and column width are converted correctly. Therefore I am looking for a better solution. The HTML export in the ZOHO spreadsheet
API for Doc writer
I want to implement doc writer in my website. user should edit my server files and save it from browser itself . Is there any API with similiar functionality provided by Zoho?
problem in uploading doc from public url
<form method="post" action="https://export.writer.zoho.com/remotedoc.im" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="_self" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <input type="hidden" name="url" value="http://my-ip-add/Upload/113/489_Desktop/asdf.doc" /> <input type="hidden" name="content" value="http://my-ip-add/Upload/113/489_Desktop/asdf.doc" /> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="apikey" value="27ee45e38813df1d0e5d9be11f6acad3" /> <input type="hidden" name="output" value="url" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="normaledit"
New in Zoho Sheet Remote API: Image support in Remote Editor
The Zoho Sheet Remote Editor, served through our Remote APIs, didn't have image support up until now. Images present in spreadsheets were not retained when opened/imported using our Remote API. The case was similar with export option too - images were not maintained in the exported spreadsheets. However, all that has changed with the recent update to Zoho Sheet Service. We are glad to announce image support for both import and export features. Users will now be able to view the images in spreadsheets
Creation of "remote" api only destinations required
We are currently using your Remote API product within our service offering. We are deployed to thousands of schools throughout the United States. It has been brought to our attention that to use our remote API, the schools are required to open their firewall ports to sheet.zoho.com, export.writer.zoho.com, etc.. The issue with this is that students can then navigate to your site directly, log in, and have access to "shared storage" that you offer which then makes our product and their network non
is it possible to integrate Zoho writer by data api
in api help documents, only show integrate Zoho office service such as writer/show/sheet by remote api, i want to know whether it possible to integrate these zoho app by data api? another question: for free partner , it provides 3000 User Document SessionLimit, does it means provide 3000 UDS every month, or total 3000 UDS for one user?
collabview mode notes/comments ???
When running in collabview mode remotely, can I receive the notes/comments generated by multiple users of the document?
Bug when checking Writer RemoteDocStatus
Whenever I make a request to https://writer.zoho.com/remotedocStatus.sas?doc=<docId> to see if a document is already on the server, it fails with the following error message: Error occurred while processing your request. Please write to us at support@zohowriter.com The exact same request to sheet and show works fine.
Using an https save URL
While reading the documentation for the Remote API, I noticed that it says the save URL needs to be a port 80 HTTP url. Since I didn't want to have the document content sent in the clear, I tried passing an https URL instead and Zoho seemed to accept it and contact our server when saving. So my question is: is this something that I can rely on, or is it something that works by accident and may break in the future?
Remote Document Presence Status not working for 'show'
http://show.zoho.com/remotedocStatus.im?doc=<docid>&apikey=<apikey> returns HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
problem opening an empty ppt presentation (for a presentation creation)
I am using remote api to create or edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations. For editing existing files, no problem. But for creating new file, I met problems with presentation. To create new file, I decided to open an empty file (easier to manage with my storage system) and it works fine for spreadsheet and document. But for presentation, I have an Http 500 error. The parameters I sent to http://show.zoho.com/remotedoc.im are : id=test.ppt submit=Open/Edit skey=<mysKey> filename=test.ppt format=ppt
ZOHO writter in my website
hi all, I wonder if ZOHO WRITTEN can be implemented on my own website. as a sort of plugin or something similar. thanks
"Save" a document from outside Zoho's editor
I was wondering if there is any way to have a save button outside zoho's editor area (in my application's UI), which would save the current file upon a user's request. I've noticed that Central Desktop does this, but they seem to be using Data API. Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated. -- Hari
Filenames with spaces
I'm able to open and save files with filenames without spaces. eg. Untitled1.odt If there is a space in the filename like Untitled 1.odt, I save it in my database as Untitled 1.odt. And this is the filename I send to zoho. The file opens perfectly, but I get an error while saving it back. This is what my nginx logs show for such POSTs from zoho: https <my domain name> "/save_file" [14/Oct/2010:17:10:07 -0400] - 302 0 "POST /save_file HTTP/1.1" "Apache-HttpClient/4.0.1 (java 1.5)" Any
spreadsheet remote api
Hi, I met a problem with the remote api opening an xls document. It works fine with doc and ppt, but with the API http://sheet.zoho.com/remotedoc.im I got an html error page. I use the same parameters list for the three API types. Does anyone met the same kind of problem and could give me back some help thanks, Jacques
Html embaded word document does not process in zoho viewer api
Hello, I have one word document which is generated by my application from html page and i need to display that word document into the browser window but i get error like "result":"Failure", "error": { "code":5833, "message":"Server Error while processing the request" }I also attached document file please kindly check it and suggest me how to view this file using zoho viewer. Thanks in advance, Mohmedsadiq modan
Uploaded Images
With the remote API for Zoho Writer, the saved (HTML) document is sent back to my server when the user clicks to save. If there are uploaded images in this file, the HMTL I receive contains references to the images stored on the Zoho server at http://writer.zoho.com:80/pubImage.im?imgurl=XXXXX. How do I get the images to be stored on my server?
Persistance = false not working for show
As far as I can tell, when I open a document in show with persistance = false in the request, I would expect after all the collaborators leave the document and close their browsers the document is removed from your servers. However I close all sessions (by closing all the Zoho tabs on my browser) and even after coming back hours later to open the same document using the documentId stored localy - the remoteStatus is returning true, and the user logs on as a collaborator without having to upload the
Limit on size of articles using remote API
Hi, all of a sudden we have an issue where stories saved using the Writer Remote API won't save all of the text once an article is over a certain size. I don't believe our team has made any changes to our implementation, so I wanted to know if you guys have done something differently here, is it a bug, or do we need to change something.
ZOHO integration
Hello Could you help me with a link to zoho api documentation? I want to make custom application, and as part of it flow, it will read documents from zoho and make pdf exports Ideally this should not be any language specific library, but some RESTfull service thank you
Turn off chat in collaboration mode?
Using the Remote API is there anyway that we can turn off the chat functionality so that users are not able to chat between one another?
Zoho Writer Submit Problem
Hi all, I started using Zoho lately and I faced a problem in Writer. I open a doc file with Writer, everything seems to be OK. However when I save the file I get the following error: "Problem in posting the document. Please retain a local copy at your end and try again later." On the other hand I open an excel sheet and I give the same saveurl. Here I got no problem and the document is saved successfully. Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong? Here is my asp.net code for saving
Zoho Remote API - UTF-8 Encoding
We have had feedback from quite a few developers and partners integrating Zoho's Remote API into their application about the document file name getting messed up when saving it back to their own servers. The reason for this discrepancy is attributed to: The name of the document being in language other than English. Presence of some special characters in the document file name.To offset this problem, partners and developers can encode the document file names using the 'UTF-8' character encoding mechanism.UTF-8
Zoho Remote API Update - Custom Save Notification Messages
We are happy to announce that partners and developers, integrating Zoho's Remote API into their application, can now send a custom save notification message to Zoho document servers. The custom message will be displayed when a user saves the document from any of the Zoho's Office Productivity Service (Writer, Sheet, Show) editors. Currently, Zoho handles both the scenarios of a document save and displays: Success Message (HTTP response code 200) - When the document is saved successfully. Error Message
Problem with uploading presentation file (ppt/pps) to Zoho Show with HttpWebRequest in .NET
I try to upload ppt/pps file from my website, and it work well, but when I use HttpWebRequest object (.NET) to upload and get the response, it crashs. My code: public static void Upload(string username, string password, string apiKey, string filePath) { var ticket = GetTicket(username, password); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ticket)) return; var requestUrl = "http://show.zoho.com/api/private/xml/uploadpresentation?apikey=" + apiKey + "&ticket=" + ticket; var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);
Zoho Remote API: Sheets OK, Writer & Show problems
Hi all. I've been integrating the Remote API in a custom application for some days. First I added the Zoho Sheet functionality. Basically all it does is read the contents of an XLS file, and then it makes a PHP Curl call via POST to pass the file to your system and get the URL of the editor, which is loaded as soon as your server returns a response. With Zoho Sheet I found zero problems. Everything works perfectly! Great job. But today I started working with Zoho Writer and Zoho Show (via Remote
Zoho Remote Writer doesn't let any newly uploaded document be saved without modifications
Hello, My problem is that when opening a document from a file using Zoho Writer Remote API and I want to save it, it says document_already_saved when it has been just opened: Some of the times (i think most of them) the truth is, I opened this from an existing file somewhere and i want it to actually execute the "save" procedure that stores it on the remote server. A workaround I use and I have to tell the users to 'use' is adding a space in the end of a paragraph so Zoho Writer recognizes the
my document is not saved
i follow the example of api remote to save my document. but, if i look the debug, i am the message : {"statusValue":"datasaved","statusCode":"200"} what's the problem ? my code to save the doc is : <?php $tmp_filename = $_FILES['content']['tmp_name']; $upload_status = move_uploaded_file($tmp_filename,"/homez.xxx/champagnvn/www/test2.doc"); ?>
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