The Community consists of categories, forums, and posts. Let us look into each of these in detail:
Category: A Category is a collection of forums or otherwise called a top level forum that is displayed in your self-service portal. By default, a category is created for each of your departments in Zoho Desk. So, when you signup for Zoho Desk, a category in the name of your portal will be created. You can directly manage your online community through this category.
Forum: A Forum is a message board or otherwise called a sub-category where discussions focus on a particular issue or a topic. You can create multiple forums under a category to discuss on different subjects. For example, Zoho Desk could be your category while FAQs, Feature Requests, and Announcements are the forums underneath it.
Uncategorized Posts: Uncategorized posts are topics that are posted directly onto a category before a forum is created underneath it. These posts are considered uncategorized due to the absence of a forum.