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Post the release of Zoho Creator Blueprint last month, we're happy to tell you that we'll be launching a new  'Ask the Experts' session on 16th September (Thursday) this month focussing on creating blueprints in Zoho Creator. The session will be a 3 hour live interaction where technical experts will answer all your questions in real time. For the first time, we will be conducting the session across two time zones i.e. independent 3 hour sessions for each time zone. Take a look at the schedule below:

ATE  on Building workflows with Blueprint in Zoho Creator

Date: 16th September 2021 (Thursday) across two time zones:

APAC/ANZ || Between 11 AM and 2 PM IST

Americas and Europe || Between 08 AM and 11 AM PST | 3 PM to 6 PM GMT

Some points for discussion are:

How can you build customised processes in Blueprint?
How to demarcate your process in terms of stages and transitions
What kind of workflows that Blueprint is capable of creating
What is the role of a transition owner and who can be one?
What is a blueprint field?

Your panel of experts:

So are you ready to find answers to all your questions? Start posting them right away in the comments section, and our product experts will address them this Thursday. 

Note: This is NOT a webinar. This is a 'Live Knowledge-Sharing Session' on Zoho Creator Forums, where our experts will answer your questions. To post your questions, hit reply to this post and start typing away!

P.S. If you're unable to view the comments, please click 'sign in' on the top-right corner of the screen, and then post your questions.

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33 Replies
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Is it possible to start a blueprint when a new record is created by Deluge? Is it possible to trigger transitions automatically with deluge or as a result of a record edit?

For reporting, is it possible to report on the people triggering transitions, time between transitions, total time for a blueprint to complete?

  • 3 years ago

Hello Kevin,

Thank you for posting your question.

Blueprint is supported only for records that are added manually. For records that are added using deluge, blueprint is not supported for now. We can have it in our roadmap to find other ways but we are sorry that we do not have an ETA on it.

The people triggering the transitions is based on the transition owner (user). You may create a users field in the form and each time when a user triggers the transition, you can populate the users field with the zoho.loginuser info of that user. This action can be created in 'after transition' section.

Tracking the total time taken to complete blueprint is not available for now.

  • 3 years ago

I want to verify the phone number using OTP verifications using URLs and I have the end points for sending OTP and verifying OTP.
I am creating two forms and in "form1" I am asking the user their mobile number and from there I am invoking a URL using workflow and redirecting the user to another form "form2" where they are supposed to input the OTP.
the problem which I am facing is when the user enters the OTP I need to invoke a verification URL with mobile number and OTP.
can you please tell me how can I access the mobile number entered in field of "form1" in form2 workflow.
sending otp:https://2factor.in/API/V1/$YourAPIKey/SMS/$SentTo/AUTOGEN
verifying otp:https://2factor.in/API/V1/$YourAPIKey/SMS/VERIFY3/$CustomersPhoneNumber/$OTPValue

  • 3 years ago

Hello Yager,

Thanks for your writing.

In regards to your concern, you can either have a lookup field in Form B that looks up to Form A Phone Number field or can have a Single Line field. Now when you open the Form B from Form A's On Successful submission, you can pass the ID of the newly entered record to the lookup field in Form B. Please refer the below sample script on the same.

  1. openUrl("#Form:Form_B?Lookup_Field="+input.ID, "window type"); //if you configure lookup field
  2. openUrl("#Form:Form_B?Single_Line="+input.Phone_Number, "window type"); //if you configure Single Line field

By this above method, the phone number will be auto populated when the Form B is opened.

Now if you would like to update the data in Form A with the OTP entered in Form B, you may write a deluge script under on Success of Form B to update Form A data based on the lookup field value selected.

  1. fet=Form_A[ID == input.Lookup_Field];
  2. fet.OTP=input.OTP;

Hope this helps.

  • 3 years ago

thanks a lot, will try it and let u know if it works.

  • 3 years ago

both the forms are in the same application for the OTP verification.

  • 3 years ago

We’re now live and excited to address all your questions related to Blueprint!

1.We aim to answer all the questions you've raised within the promised time-window. However, we request you to allow us a little more time in case more queries come in.

2.Some questions may need analysis and troubleshooting, and might require a little more time. We promise to follow-up and prioritize them over the next couple of days.

3. Please post your questions or replies inline to the responses. Also, it'd be great if you ask questions related to the topic. We'll have loads of sessions coming up with many more topics!

Go on and bombard us with your questions! While we are totally happy with your constructive criticism, do express your appreciation for any features you like as well! See you on the other side.

  • 3 years ago

We'll be back at 8.30 am PST.

  • 3 years ago

eagerly waiting for reply

  • 3 years ago

Hello all,

We're live once again !

Please go on and shoot out your questions. We will be happy to assist you all :)

Good morning,
In reference to what yogeshs2 said in reply to someone else's questions, if I have a record that is created by a deluge workflow, but then a user access it and manually edits it, will that allow entry for that record into a blueprint?

  • 3 years ago

Hello Kevin,

Good Morning :)

Yes, the Blueprint will be supported if the record that was added through Deluge is manually edited.

Good Day !

  • Creator Certified Developer - Associate
  • 3 years ago

Will it be possible to edit the color of the transition buttons? Currently they are very not noticeable.

  • 3 years ago

Hello Venessa,

Sorry, it is not supported as of now. Will take this as an enhancement.

Good Day !

  • 3 years ago

Hello All,

We are hereby closing the session.

We thank everyone who participated in today's session for showing your interest on Blueprint feature.

We will meet again soon with another interesting topic.

Stay Safe :)

    33 replies

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