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Is it possible to start a blueprint when a new record is created by Deluge? Is it possible to trigger transitions automatically with deluge or as a result of a record edit?
For reporting, is it possible to report on the people triggering transitions, time between transitions, total time for a blueprint to complete?
I want to verify the phone number using OTP verifications using URLs and I have the end points for sending OTP and verifying OTP.
I am creating two forms and in "form1" I am asking the user their mobile number and from there I am invoking a URL using workflow and redirecting the user to another form "form2" where they are supposed to input the OTP.
the problem which I am facing is when the user enters the OTP I need to invoke a verification URL with mobile number and OTP.
can you please tell me how can I access the mobile number entered in field of "form1" in form2 workflow.
sending otp:https://2factor.in/API/V1/$YourAPIKey/SMS/$SentTo/AUTOGEN
verifying otp:https://2factor.in/API/V1/$YourAPIKey/SMS/VERIFY3/$CustomersPhoneNumber/$OTPValue
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Good morning,
In reference to what yogeshs2 said in reply to someone else's questions, if I have a record that is created by a deluge workflow, but then a user access it and manually edits it, will that allow entry for that record into a blueprint?
Will it be possible to edit the color of the transition buttons? Currently they are very not noticeable.
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Hello Kevin,
Thank you for posting your question.
Blueprint is supported only for records that are added manually. For records that are added using deluge, blueprint is not supported for now. We can have it in our roadmap to find other ways but we are sorry that we do not have an ETA on it.
The people triggering the transitions is based on the transition owner (user). You may create a users field in the form and each time when a user triggers the transition, you can populate the users field with the zoho.loginuser info of that user. This action can be created in 'after transition' section.
Tracking the total time taken to complete blueprint is not available for now.