I am looking to attach products (like 'QuickBooks') to an Account. But once I attach that Product to the Account, I want to also be able to set Account specific info, like # of user Licenses and Version, to that record. If this Account has 5 different products, I want to be able to do that for all the products I assign to them in CRM. I have these fields as part of the Product setup. But if I change any field when assigning to an Account, it changes the Master Product record. I need this to only be for that Account. Many Accounts will have the same products, but have their own number of licenses and versions. Is there a way to do this?
Also, I would like the Version fields to change its available options based on the Product. When setting up tthe Products, I have a field for the Software product, but depending on what Product it is, the Version field will need ot have different dropdown Values. Is there a way to do this?
I'm new to Zoho, but hoping there is functionality I could use (using Zoho One) to accomplish all the above. Thanks in advance for any help!