Automatic menus etc.

Automatic menus etc.

I've only just started using Zoho Wiki, and I'm not that familiar with other wiki tools, so I'm not sure if what I'm thinking is possible in Zoho wiki, but I've just not found it, or isn't on any wikis, or is on some, but not this one!

I'll explain.

At the moment, when I create a new page, I then have been linking it to all other pages, to ensure that it's possible to navigate between them all. I realise that if the site gets too big, this wouldn't be feasible, but for the work we're doing (comparing 4 software packages) it's ideal.

I'd created them all as "New Page", rather than Sub-page - though creating a sub page for one of the pages, didn't seem to automatically put a link between the levels.

Is it possible to create a menu linking one page to other related ones automatically, or do you have to do what I've been doing, which is to create the links & then to paste them to all other pages?

Hope that makes (some sort of!) sense.


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