Every now and then we release new features to our Beta community with the intent of receiving valuable feedback from you all, our end-users. Some of you have been using Zoho Desk for years, while others are newcomers to the software, and to this platform. To ensure that your feedback doesn't get lost in the crowd, we've introduced this separate Community Topic where you can contribute your experiences and feedback. Posting within this topic on our Community will not only bring all your experiences to a central place, but will also serve as a way for you to interact with your peers on the Zoho Desk beta-community.
We have created separate pages for each of the features that are currently available in the beta phase, listed below. As always, we would be delighted to hear from you about your experiences with any of Zoho Desk's beta-features, and how they may have helped you in your business. Likewise, if you are disappointed with a feature, or encounter one too many bugs, please let us know as well. We are constantly striving to make the customer experience better for you.