GIven a table: tblhosting
(To achieve churn rate based on termination of services)
Here i will only list out import data column
1. id (service id)
2. orderid
3. regdate (registration date/start date)
4. nextduedate
5. termination_date (the date when service ended)
6. billingcycle (free/monthly/semi-annual/annually/triennially)
7. status (Active/Suspended/Terminated/Cancelled)
Using this query:
Select count(id) FROM tblhosting Group By regdate
- I can get total number of services grouped by date
Select count(id) FROM tblhosting Group By regdate WHERE (status != 'Active' AND status != 'Suspended')
- I can get total number of services where the order is not terminated nor cancelled yet
- But how do i join these two table query?
What I want to achieve:
A chart that shows in a year from 2012-2020 That can be drilled down
- Use case:
in 2012-05-01, Customer A and Customer B rent a service
In 2014-01-21, Customer A's service has not been continued thus terminated.
But in 2014-01-21, There are 20 new services and 1 termination (Customer A)
So here, we can see drilled down daily churn rate = (1/20) x 100%
This also applies for monthly and also yearly view of churn rate analysis.
Hope this clarifies, Thanks!
Hope to hear solution!