We can not categorize Sales (Goods) and Services with Zoho Books for "on the fly" line items when creating a transaction (quote or invoice).
Zoho Books does not provide the basic ability to separate product sales and services for "on the fly" line items although its very typical bookkeeping need for various reasons. This has been a surprise since the few bookkeeping systems we've had over the years prior to Zoho One (Books) have all had (required/default) ability of categorizing Sales and Services for each line item of quotes and invoices.
With Zoho Books we are required when creating any new ITEM to define if its Goods or Service, which there is a good reason why this is mandatory, so why not have the ability to categorize for "on the fly" line items?
98% of our transactions are "one the fly" line items and therefore makes no sense at all for us to add every "on the fly" transaction line as an ITEM just to be able to separate Sales (Goods) and Services. There should be an easy option when creating a quote or invoice to select Sales (Goods) or Service when creating an "on the fly" line item so there is a way to produce reports of Sales vs Services for various reasons.