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Email Behavior in CRM
At what level can you see recipient behavior when sending emails from Zoho CRM? We thought there was a way to see what links were clicked, how many opens, etc but can't seem to find that info now.
Deleting Salutation Field
We have updated our lead input screen and 'Salutation' has appeared. This is not visible in the 'Edit Pgae Layout' screen so cannot be moved to 'List of Removed Fields' Salutation is visible in the list in 'Customization - Fields' however I can only 'Edit' or 'Replace' I cannot delete and I do not need this field on my lead input screen. Please can you advise how to get rid of this. Screen shots can be provided if needed. Thank you Tasha
Cash based businesses cannot use the new fixed asset module
Hello all, If your bookkeeping is reporting in cash, you cannot use the new fixed acid module, as it does all the depreciation bookings accrual and not cash. This is definitive and you can't turn them into a cash booking. They will never appear in your
Cannot add Outlook Calendar to Zoho Bookings
Hello, When I try to add my Outlook Calendar to Zoho Bookings I get almost to the end, including accepting the permissions and authorising the Office 365 account then I get the error message "Something's not right on our side. Sorry about that. Please
Detail Profit & Loss, how to do in Zoho Books?
Is there any way to generate a detail profit & loss (Income Statement) from Zoho Books like the one in QuickBooks? I have 2 clients looking to jump from QB but this 1 report is the deal breaker if not available. They both audit their books from the detailed
Assign Templates to a Branch
Hi, In Zoho Books you can assign templates of invoices,estimates... to customers and vendors and you can also assign transaction numbers to an specific Branch but Is possible to assign a template to branch? We need to use different templates in the same
Agent view history on tickets
We are converting to Zoho Desk and am curious if there is a feature that we have in our existing ticketing platform. In our current system, we are able to see which agents have viewed a ticket. It includes their first read and last read of the ticket.
Introducing an option to set comments to public by default
Hello all, Greetings! We are pleased to announce that Desk's user preferences now brings an option to set a comment type as Public or Private by default. In addition to setting reply buttons as defaults, Agents or Admins can now choose to make their ticket
5名限定 課題解決型ワークショップイベント Zoho ワークアウト開催のお知らせ(2/27)
ユーザーの皆さま、こんにちは。Zoho ユーザーコミュニティチームの藤澤です。 2月開催のZoho ワークアウトについてお知らせします。 今回は久しぶりに品川にて「オフライン開催」します!! ▷▷詳細はこちら: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Zoho ワークアウトとは? Zoho ユーザー同士で交流しながら、サービスに関する疑問や不明点の解消を目的とした「Zoho ワークアウト」を開催します。
Does Thrive work with Zoho Billing (Subscriptions)?
I would like to use Thrive with Zoho Billing Subscriptions but don't see a way to do so. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you
Rollup summary for custom module
Rollup summary feature was introduced almost a year ago: It does not support custom modules tough and this post aims to track such feature
Simple Deluge Script
Hi. I'm brand new to functions but I'm trying to create a script to convert a date field in Meetings to a written format. For example, instead of 02/05/2025 8:00AM, I'd like to convert it to Wednesday, February 5, 8:00 AM. My Date field is the API Name
Assign default Location + warehouse to Customer / Vendor
Hello there. With the introduction of Locations I'm having to enter the warehouse for every single transaction which is getting really tiring and causes errors (easy to fix, but still). Does anybody know if there's a way to assign a default Location and
Knowledge Base article lists
Is it possible to adjust the number of articles that are visible under a category of the Knowledge Base portal? Currently it looks like by default it populates about 5 articles before it puts the "more" option at the bottom. Looking to see if I can extend
can we add all the SC ticket folder for all of the tickets to sellers past and present?
Hi. How can we add tickets to a folder for organizing tickets
Rejected forward emails
I am currently trying to set up a Desk system, and the issue which I am stuck on is that when I have a set a rule from the previous email domain to forward all emails to the new ZohoDesk One - I get a bounce back. The bounce back reads that the recipient
Is it possible to trigger an action to automatically create a Deal when an email sent to a contact is opened?
Long story short we use Deals module to handle leads as well so that's why I'm not asking to use leads module. I've been asked to find a way to automatically have a deal created when an email that's part of an email campaign is opened. So, when the email
Customer Display Name
The Customer Display Name defaults to only the first name. Is there a setting to make it default to display both the first and last name? Thanks, Bryan
Meeting invites not showing meeting info
Since yesterday, meeting invites show up with the calendar icon, yet the meeting card (where you normally see the option to accept, the meeting date/time, etc.) is not showing. I've tried different browsers, and the desktop (lite) app. All present the
Sync Gmail for Admins
Hello. We migrated from gmail to Zoho mail a few years ago, but some users want to be able to use gmail. I have set up dual delivery in the Zoho Mail Admin console. This is working fine. I can't figure out how to sync outgoing emails. Specifically, if
Setting Up Direct Mail Campaigns
If I need to set up a 5 step direct mail campaign is that possible? Basically every week I upload names from a CSV to Zoho and then would need to mail them every 45 days for about 6 months. I would want to be able to take names off the list when they say their house is sold or that they don't want to be contacted. I don't necessarily need to have it integrated with click2mail or anything but would at least need to be able to export the file in a CSV/excel for each mailing. Does anyone know if that's
Restrict Payment Methods
Allow us to restrict certain payment methods specific for each customer.
Gravity Forms plugin not passing some fields
I use the gravity form zoho plugin to push data from my lead form into my lead page in Zoho CRM. Everything was working file for about 6 months. Suddenly on Oct 1st, some of the fields are no longer getting passed to Zoho. The fields with the problem
New ZOHO Mail Setup for my Website
Respected Team, I need to know that Can I create a Zoho Mail for my that website that already have ZOHO Mail setup, actually I have forgot my gmail account on which I created zoho setup for my website, But is it any possibilities that I can
Help with cookie code, utm variables are overwritten on every page load with new variables
Hi all, My goal is to track the very first web page that a user visits, and store those utm values throughout all of the future visits until a lead form is submitted. That way, if a person is retargeted, I can still attribute the very first visit as the
Zoho Desk - Archiving Contacts
Hi, We have a lot of customers in Zoho Desk with associated contacts. When a contact leaves we want to be able to still have their tickets in our history as this is important. But we don't want to have all these contacts that no longer work for the company.
Why does only the first itemized description appear in reports?
I've noticed when I itemize an expense and there are several lines, only the first itemized line description appears in reporting. So for example, let's say I have a $525 expense that comes in on my bank account where I bought a $25 keyboard and a $500
TASKS - Dashboard to show ALL Tasks from ALL apps.
The Unified Tasks View is useless without the other main zoho apps (Desk, Books & even FSM now) We need to see all our tasks under on pane of glass. The Zoho developers are out of touch with real business workflows. So how it was designed they want us
SalesIQ Channel Icons for Ease of Reference
Hi, team! It would be neat if on the mobile SalesIQ app, similar to its web counterpart, we could see the unobtrusive icons for social media channels for all chats. Now that I have multiple such channels (so cool!), it helps visually separate them, seeing
Annoying Social Messaging Auto-Prompts
Hello! I love the idea of integrating SalesIQ with messaging channels like Facebook Messenger and Instagram. However, the way the SIQ throws the initial prompts feels annoying and too robotic. I'm attaching a few screenshot samples, just the resent ones.
Can i integrate bigin with google voice?
I make all my calling through google voice to seprate my personal line from business. I want to log my calls with customers automatically but i domt see anywhere where i can do that. Any help? Im pretty sure i wont be able to. Sad
Mass Change Start Date in Recurring Invoice
Need a way to update start date for large number of recurring invoices. Either bulk update option for that field or an import function with the ability to set "duplicate handling logic" (like when importing customers) so that one (or more) field can be
Can Clients have Access to their record Attachments in Client Portal
Is there a way to have allow clients access to attachments in their client portal? Attachments is currently hidden in the client portal and I cannot find a way to allow client access. Thank you!
Access of Activities Module in CRM to Client Portal?
I want to enable access of Activities Module in Client Portal of my CRM to my Clients but not getting option to choose the module. By doing this I aim to give the access to the clients to their realtime status of the work going on and they can track the
Zoho CRM and Books integration (related list) column customization
I was wondering if it's possible to add more cloumns (more informations) inside the related list that we get when we enable the integration. As you see we would like to be able to add more information on the invoice (or the same for PO in vendor).
Hello, While the ACCOUNTS and CONTACTS (Including the primary contact) are synced with the CONTACTS module in CRM, the vendor's CONTACTS are not synced with CRM - which basically forces the users to re-enter all vendor's contacts twice and then update
AGE field from DATE OF BIRTH Field.
HI! I have a field called date of birth in my CRM (LEADS, CONTACT etc…) How can I know the AGE today I would like to create a field AGE. I now how to create a field but I don´t which calculation (CUSTOM FUCTION) to make ¿ANY HELP?
Create Dashboard with information pulled from multiple modules?
I am looking to create an overview dashboard for each account we have within the CRM. This will need to include information from Books, Bookings, Analytics (want to see the graphs). I am new to using Zoho but am trying to help streamline our processes
Zoho Books -> CRM Custom field sync for contacts
I use a custom field for my three different brands. Since I wanted to start a newsletter I recogniced there is no option to import from Zoho books to Zoho campaign. Only through CRM. I can't sort my customers because the custom field is not synced to
Zoho Signing embedded with iframe is moved out of view when navigating to focus signature on mobile devices
Dear Zoho team, I'm having difficulty embedding the signing url into a website for users to sign on their phones, it's not working perfectly. The problem occurs after the user accepts and continues to sign, or the user clicks to redirect to any of the
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