Is there any way to change the default mandatory fields to a non mandatory field, or remove the default fields from the page layout?
While customizing several of the modules to fit our business needs, Cases for example, we do not need fields such as Case Origin - that have been labeled as mandatory, and have little ability to further customize the fields to fit our business needs. We have created several other fields and identified them as Mandatory, but we are unable to save a new record, because the default mandatory field Case Origin has nothing selected, and we are unable to remove the field from the field list or page layout, or edit it any way other than replacing the pick list.
We can edit the pick list to accommodate our business needs, but we have already created the appropriate fields that fill these needs, thus leaving Case Origins irrelevant - yet we still have to select something or else we are unable to save the record.
The ability to remove these default mandatory fields from the page layout, make them non-mandatory, or edit more than just the information living within their data type would be extremely helpful. Instead, we are stuck with a mandatory field, with an irrelevant title, with data information that is now duplicated and counterproductive to what we are trying to accomplish.
Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciate.
Thank you.