I have listed in Sheet the products that I sell on my website. The style #'s are in the A1, A5, etc. cells, sizes to the right, colors below, in-stock quantities fill in the matrix. I leave a blank row between each matrix. I have a tabbed sheet for each manufacturer. I sell from about 6 to about 30 items per manufacturer. So some of the lists down a sheet are long.
I am using Pulish This Range to embed a link to Sheet for each product so my customers will know what is in stock for that product or what I will have to order for them.
If I add a color (insert a row) to a product high in the list on a manufacturer's sheet, do I need to re-do the ranges for all the products below that one on that sheet? Or will Sheet readjust the links for the other products on that sheet automatically? Is each sheet treated separately; so if have to re-do the ranges on one sheet, I do not have to do the others to the right of that one?
By the way, Sheet is so much easier to use and much more stable than Google Docs! Thanks!