China server and international server STUPIDITY!

China server and international server STUPIDITY!


I have just come to know that there is a "China data server". My business is based in China, all my settings are set to China, including timezones and addresses etc, right from the start. But I got my account from which automatically gave me an international data center account. Never even informed me or asked my for a choice.

For about a year I have been complaining of getting horrible speeds and user experience with Zoho and had conversations on multiple occasions and screen sharing sessions etc with your customer service team and not once did they bother to think beyond their job and tell me that there is a China server. All they said was "the great firewall of china" might be slowing down my Zoho interface. Which was bogus nonsense since I used all sorts of vpns and even when I traveled to India I had the same experience. All my clients that I share files with complain about not being able to access the docs I shared with them over Zoho Docs (whichever country they are in - India/US/China) and I always have to resort to using "Wetransfer". Its a matter of shame for Zoho frankly.

Recently I stumbled across a post that mentioned a China server and I tried logging in with my usual account details and it doesn't work.

Now I have learned the following:
1) You geniuses haven't figured out how to give access to your customers to both data centres. You can't migrate a simple account? Is that what I'm understanding?
So what is the expectation here? The customer will take two separate accounts for his entire company in order to be able to use your service? And the irresponsible fact that during sign up there is nowhere you mention or highlight that there is a China server option?
2) You guys don't have a way of migrating data between the international server and the China server.
How absurd can things be? Why is that a big deal. Don't you guys have transfer tools?

I just have one question:
Is there a place where we can see your actual priority order of feature lists you are working on.
I see moronic features being implemented everyday but these major issues are not being solved. I don't have faith that the Zoho team knows what important and what isn't from the customer's perspective.

I am seriously contemplating just taking my team off of Zoho completely. Because even you customer service responses are half baked and never have a solution to anything.


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