Cliq Channels - Permissions

Cliq Channels - Permissions

Hello All,

As said in my previous post, I'm going to detail Permissions - set of actions one can perform in the channel.
In more simple words it is the power that one wields in a channel to perform certain actions.

You can go to Permissions through Channel Preview i.e. hover over the channel in LHS and click on info icon. There are total of 8 actions that constitute the Permissions. They are:
  1. Edit Channel info: Permission to edit the Channel title and description
    This info will be displayed in Channel Preview, which will help when users search for a channel to join and also when the channel is tagged.
    Quick read: You can #tag channels. To know more click here.
  2. Add participants: Permission to add a participant
    In team channels, only the team members can be added.
    Hint: Add participants by typing (+)(user name) in the text box.
  3. Remove Participants: Permission to remove a participant 
    Do take note that a super admin can remove anyone, an admin can remove moderator & members, a moderator can remove members and finally members can remove other fellow members. The Roles play an important part in all decisions.
    Hint: Remove participants by typing (-)(user name) in the text box. You can check out here for more info on adding and removing participants.
  4. Clear all messages: Permission to clear the messages
    Clearing the messages will delete the entire chat transcript from Cliq. There will be no trace of any data that was shared in the channel. Hence, take care of to whom you give this privilege.
  5. Archive Channel: Permission to archive the channel when needed
    You create an org channel #Annual party to plan and execute your company's annual party held in summer of every year. After the party is over, you no longer need that channel until next year. So you can archive it and unarchive again (Click on + of Channels and type the channel name in the search bar) when need arises. Archiving does not delete the chat transcript. All the data will be retained.  
  6. Delete Channel: Permission to delete a Channel
    Deleting a channel will remove it permanently from Cliq. The data is not recoverable. Maintain caution as to whom you give this privilege to.
  7. Send messages: Permission to send messages
    Well, now this sounds interesting! Sending messages is an integral part of any channel. Read on to know how this action can be used effectively.
  8. Mention users: Permission to @mention users
    In any channel, users can @mention others so that the message is not missed. @mentions will be delivered even when the user has muted the channel. 

I'm sure you would have got a good idea of Permissions by now. Just one more final action to be detailed. Yes, you got it right! It's the 'Send messages' action. Sending messages is an integral part of any channel, but how will including this action under Permissions be used effectively?
Consider this scenario: The HR in your company wants to keep everyone updated on new policies, events, recruitment drives, etc... So now the HR is looking for a way to put forth all this to everyone as announcements. This can be done easily through Permissions. All that the HR should do is, create an Org Channel #HR announcements and then disable 'Send Messages' action under Permissions. The 'Mention users' action will also be disabled by default. Now, only the HR can send messages preventing other users from spamming the channel.

To know more about Channels and its features, check out the Help doc here. If still you have queries, then feel free to comment.
Now it's time to go ahead, create channels, add members, assign roles and check out permissions!!!

Princy Priya

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