Contact database – Contact “Category” field will take multiple tags (example – friend, social, nonprofit, women’s rights…) Advanced filtering by the contact “tag”- I need to be able to filter this field by several of the tags ( (include and exclude).
Example – I want to filter the entire contact database for all contacts who are tagged as “WomensRights” AND “nonprofit” BUT EXCLUDE contacts that don’t live in a certain states. I will tracks contact's details (home and business mail address, phones, fax, emails, nickname, birthday, spouse's name and attach an image of if possible).
Links by relationship – Where contact and his/her spouse has a record in database, I will want to link the two records so that each gets soft credit for the other's donations. Relationships will include: spouse, friend, mother, father, daughter, son, colleague. Campaign info I would like to track: name, date, goal, expenses, status, list of donations received.
Event info I would like to track: name, date, goal, expenses, status, list of guests invited, list of donations received. An event would have to be under a campaign. Each campaign could have several events under it.
RSVP tracking would track: Yes, No, Maybe, bringing guest, how many, total number of expected guest, total number actually attended. Donation tracking would track: how much the contact donated, payment information notes.
Reporting features – I would like to be able to build reports by adding almost any field and adding filtering those fields. I will provide you the tables (in Excel format) that represent the fields I think are necessary for the main tables. You will add unique identifiers as necessary and connect the tables to accomplish the goal. Is this specific enough?
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