Data Sharing issue: Shared user information outside of defined roles

Data Sharing issue: Shared user information outside of defined roles

Hi Zoho team & community,

We've encountered a particular issue that I'm hoping you might be able to help us with.

The context:
  1. Our organisation consists of multiple units that should not have access nor see each others information in Zoho CRM. To achieve this we're using a role based data-sharing setup, that ensures all information is only visible to members of a role.
  2. This setup works perfectly well in all CRM modules, with one strange exception: Meetings.

The issue:
When creating a meeting (either in a contact/customer, within a deal, or elsewhere) the data-sharing restrictions work perfectly fine as far as selecting participating contacts are concerned. However, as soon as we want to add internal users to the meeting, the dropdown contains all Zoho CRM users regardless of their roles. 

This should not happen, as it essentially allows employees from one business unit to access a list of all company employees regardless of their business unit. 

As our data sharing model works in every other aspect of the CRM, I'm inclined to assume this is a bug, but I'm not entirely certain.

Is this something that has been reported before? How should we best proceed, as this essentially makes the Meeting module unusable for us?


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