Did you know?#1: How to filter reports based on different audience segments in PageSense

Did you know?#1: How to filter reports based on different audience segments in PageSense

Hey everyone,

Over recent years, our customer support team has been getting queries asking I have this special requirement, and is it possible to achieve that with PageSense?" Fortunately, they were able to say "Yes" to most of them while providing an easy-to-implement way for a particular feature to be customized in PageSense to suit a user's specific business needs and demands. But we want these customization concepts to benefit more than just a few—we want them to benefit everyone.

That’s why we introduce you to a new learning series within our online community: Did you know. In this series, we'll share all those little, useful pieces of product features that you can customize extensively in PageSense to successfully achieve your website's goal. A few of these customization options may not be immediately obvious inside the tool but can really come in handy when you need them the most. So follow this page and post your comments about the information shared in the box below. 

Here is our first post in the series: Filter your experiment's report based on audience segments

Your experiment reports are a powerful way to understand and visualize the performance metrics of your website. It is the place that shows whether you were able to get a substantial amount of new conversions, if your marketing efforts were effective, and if you generated the desired revenue at your business. However, a cumulative report that exposes data for all traffic on your website at one spot can leave you puzzled about which specific visitor group is performing well and which is not.

Also, this highlights the need to break down your experiment data into deeper and more relevant visitor parameters that you want to interpret. This can be achieved in PageSense by Creating customized report filters based on audience segments.  

A custom filter report is a report that you create. You pick the audience segment conditions and key values to isolate the much-needed data in your reports dashboard. Zoho PageSense audience segmentation allows you to tailor your report data based on a varied set of audience parameters like the traffic source through which visitors land on your site, gender, age, device, location, purchase completion, or just about any detail you collected about the visitors on your website. 

Filtering your reports based on the most specific audience criteria is the best way to identify the top/poor performing audience within each category so you can later plan future marketing campaigns potentially targeted at these audience segments. 

Note: An audience segment is the group of visitors who share common characteristics and behavior on your website (for example, browser used, device used, geographic location, etc) 

Let's understand this better with an example. Say you created a buyer's journey funnel for all visitors entering from your homepage and reaching the payment confirmation page of your ecommerce site. Now you want to drill down into your reports based on a few audience groups to focus on some really great data that can help in optimizing your website pages like:

Case 01: View all visitors who came from a particular ad campaign.
Say you've run different ad campaigns on your website and you want to view your funnel report for people coming from "Summer2021" ad campaign. In this case, you can create an audience segment and filter your report for visitors landing on your page from this specific campaign using the Query Parameter option as shown in the figure below. 

Filtering your report based on this criteria helps you learn how many visitors landed on your homepage through certain ads, as well as the drop-offs and conversions that occur in individual steps/paths for these visitor groups. Further, you can use this data to compare and analyze the effectiveness of individual campaigns that you run on Google, Instagram, and more on your buyer's funnel and identify opportunities to improve the ROI in your upcoming ads. 

Case 02: Exclude visitors from a referral URL.
Say you've identified a referral site that sends a lot of spam traffic to your website. Now you want to filter out visitors who come from this referrer source in your funnel reports. In this case, you can create an advanced audience segment and filter your report for visitors who do not come from these URLs using the Referral URL option as shown in the figure below. 

Filtering out your report based on this criteria helps you ignore visitors who either take part in your funnel analytics or generate any revenue of your site but still appear on your website, which isn’t valuable and can skew your funnel analytics. 

Case 03: View all visitors who checked out items but failed to complete a transaction.
Say you want to clearly see the visitors who initiate a checkout process but fail to complete their purchases on your ecommerce site. In this case, you can filter your report using the Visitor Activity audience segment as shown in the figure below. Learn how to use the Visitor Activity segment while filtering your reports in PageSense.

Filtering your reports based on this criteria can help you quickly identify visitors who did not convert beyond your checkout pages and the reasons why. For example, these could include website performance issues like poor CTA buttons and lengthy transaction forms, a lack of payment methods, or high shipping charges. This can later be used to plan new marketing strategies like providing extra discounts and coupon offers during checkout or offering faster delivery options.

Doesn't that look exciting? There are numerous filters like this that you can combine and create in PageSense based on your business' needs. 

Try it out for yourself: 
  1. From the REPORTS tab, select the Segment Audience button at the top-right corner and choose your preferred type of audience segment ("SMART" and "ADVANCED"). Check out the different types of audience filtering parameters available in PageSense.

  2. Choose the audience parameters you want to filter from your report using the list. You can also create advanced audience segments using the AND/OR conditions.

  3. Click Save & Apply and give your segment a name/description.
Your audience condition will be saved permanently and you can use it whenever you need to in just a couple of clicks. You also can edit your saved segments anytime by clicking the edit icon next to the audience segment.

Bonus Tips: When planning to use audience filters in reports, you could consider the following guidelines: 
  • Before starting to filter, determine if an audience segment you’ve created will be useful to extract the needed insight from your report. Creating the right combination of audiences is the most effective way to reach your potential customers.
  • Keep your segments more widely defined. If your focus group is too thin, you could end up wasting time and energy in marketing and optimizing for smaller sets of audiences.
We hope that was useful. Please share your feedback or questions in the box below. 

Is there a particular filter you want to save to your reports but you're unsure how to implement? Just write to us with your needs at support@zohopagesense.com, and we'll be happy to chat with you and provide the best solution for your situation.

P.S: Have you tried filtering your reports or have you discovered something interesting that you can do in PageSense? Let us know and we’ll share it to other community members in our next post. 

Start customizing. Start growing!

Thank you. 
Balarohini Paulraj

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