

On Monday, I was going to demo Zoho wiki to my organization as the new platform for our website. With the recent bugs I have reported both on this forum and to support, I'm sorry to say that I may drop Zoho Wiki and use Google Sites.

After all, how can I run a demo if I cannot event edit the custom header and footer for my wikis? Google Sites has a fixed footer, but I can customize the header. Google Sites allows precise control over the page size. I need a page-centered 950 px theme per my organization's specs. ZWiki does not do this. I also want centralized control over my sub-domain wikis. Google Sites is a little better at this.

I also find that feedback on ZWiki comments is rather slow (sorry Mano). I often feel that ZWiki is the odd-child in the family of Zoho, with very slow development. While I do appreciate the addition of a favicon and a few more themes: I wish the activity here was at lively and vibrant as ZCreator.

Please excuse my rantings, it's just that I'm under pressure to run this big demo on Monday and I do not want my stakeholders to see anything less than a fully operational site.

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