In our effort to deliver the best spreadsheet experience to you, we bring out to you our next update. Our chart engine has been updated completely to let you chart, interact and analyze from your data.
Data visualization is a crucial part of spreadsheets. Visualization helps you acquire intuitions and frame right conclusions. Our latest update will help you do exactly that. So, what do we have in store for you?
Interactivity and Vibrancy:
First of all, you can now interact better with the charts that you create from your data. The entire User Experience associated with a chart has been modified. Some of the recent updates let you perform the following tasks quite easily.
More Chart Types:
The number of types of a chart has been increased. You can now create better types of charts that will help you in better visualizations. You can now create two dimensional as well three dimensional charts to depict data. Some new chart types that have been added to the ones that exist already are:
You can choose to turn on and turn off various datafields and observe the corresponding effects in the chart. Another added benefit of interacting with charts is that you will also be view the corresponding data points on the chart as you click the relevant portion.
Chart Styling:
The recent update also focuses on ensuring that charts can be created in an intricately detailed manner. It is now possible to add Chart Sub Title, Tooltips, Slant, Stagger and Gridlines to help you in better analysis. You can choose to scale up and down the chart as you please to choose the right kind of scaling that will fit your data perfectly.
New Chart Menu Tab:
Best of all, when you create a new chart, a new menu tab is created when you click on the chart to make sure that you can edit and modify the chart as and when you please.
Try out our Interactive Chart:
We have also embedded an interactive chart for you to work with. Check it out and enjoy the feel provided by the new chart engine. You can click on the legend of the chart to filter out the effects of that particular datafield. The filtered out elements can be brought back by clicking on the legend again.
So these updates of us are intended to improve your charting and overall spreadsheet experience. We hope the new chart update will help you in visualizing and interacting with data better. Write to us at to let us know what you think of our latest update.
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