FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED Error making Bulk Write request
Hello, I am trying to perform a Bulk Write request to the Leads module of Zoho CRM. I am able to successfully upload a zipped CSV file but I get the following error when I initiate the bulk write job:
- 400 - {"status":"error","code":"FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED","message":"File not supported for bulk write","details":{}}
Here is the CSV data:
And here is the request I am using to upload the zipped CSV
I received a file ID from this upload request and make this bulk write request
And here is the payload.json
- {
- "character_encoding": "UTF-8",
- "operation": "insert",
- "ignore_empty": true,
- "resource": [
- {
- "type": "data",
- "module": { "api_name": "Leads" },
- "file_id": "1767869000159543001"
- }
- ]
- }
Can you please tell me why I get the error "File not supported for bulk write"
I know that uploaded files cannot be reused multiple times, this error happens the first time I attempt to import an uploaded file.
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