[Webinars] On Zoho CRM's CPQ, Blueprint, and CommandCenter

[Webinars] On Zoho CRM's CPQ, Blueprint, and CommandCenter

From automating business processes in terms of manual actions and directing a flow to capture the right information, to enabling accurate and relevant pricing for business offerings, Zoho CRM hosts some powerful tools, namely CPQ, Blueprint, and CommandCenter. Register for one of the three webinars listed below where we discuss new features in the context of real time business challenges, spanning across these tools:

Webinar 1 - Discussing CPQ end-to-end for a business process [Completed - Watch recording here]
Webinar 2 - How to use Parallel Transitions to maximise Blueprint efficiency 
Webinar 3 - CommandCenter and Blueprint - Use both in tandem to automate a single business process

Webinar 2 - Multiple and Parallel transitions in Blueprint

Blueprint is Zoho CRM's business process enforcer tool. Be it any process followed in an organization, there's always an optimal way to do things. Specific data that needs to be captured, a list of actions to be performed, or automated activities that need to be set at the right moment in a prospective customer's journey. Parallel transitions allows mandation of activities that need to run parallelly, to be completed in unison before the record can move further along its journey. Blueprint now also allows providing users with multiple optional transitions between two states. 

Webinar Schedule:
12:00 PM AEST | 2:00 PM NZST | 10:30 AM Singapore Time
3:30 PM IST | 11:00 AM BST
9:00 AM PST | 11:00 AM PDT | 12:00 PM EDT

Webinar 3 - Use Blueprint and CommandCenter in tandem for business process automation 

In this webinar, we'll go over: 
- What each of these features aim to do and the business challenges that they each individually address
- A discussion exploring how a business process can be defined for an organization and as we do this, we'll clearly define and automate at which points in a record's journey different users in the organization would need to interact with the record. We'll also configure a timely sequence of automated actions based on signals. In short, we'll see how to configure and use both Blueprint and CommandCenter, contextually and simultaneously. 

Webinar Schedule: 
12:00 PM AEST | 2:00 PM NZST | 10:30 AM Singapore Time
3:30 PM IST | 11:00 AM BST
9:00 AM PST | 11:00 AM PDT | 12:00 PM EDT

More Details on CPQ: 

Quote creation and getting it approved eats up quite a chunk of any sales team's time. A lot of quote approval requests are based on criteria that could've just as easily been automated. Not just that, in the absence of these approvals, discounts or prices offered could go the other way and be too indulgent that it ends up costing the business instead. Sales teams also spend time in trying to understand customer requirements to figure out which products or services they'd be interested in trying out. 

Product Configurator - When a certain product or service is selected for purchase, various actions could be automated to support upselling other products/services offered. Product Configurator automatically adds in these products when a primary product is selected, or suggests these supporting products to the salesperson who provides the quote. 

Price Rules - Contextual pricing for customers is vital to prevent drop-offs. Pricing needs to be adjusted based on several factors such as region, multiple items bought, referrals etc. Price rules fix prices and discounts offered to ensure that nothing too high/low is offered, to make the sale and still generate revenue. 

More details on Parallel and Multiple Transitions in Blueprint: 

Blueprint lets us break down the process a record follows into a series of states. Further still, these states can be connected through transitions that display as buttons to user(s) in an organization. This gives CRM administrators leverage to direct and streamline the way its done, and automate some of the actions simultaneously as the business process progresses. 

We're glad to introduce a handful of additions to Blueprint: 

Parallel Transitions : A business process has quite a few sub-processes. And for a prospective customer or any record to move to its next stage, there's often a need for multiple actions to be sometimes performed by multiple departments, teams, or people simultaneously. Parallel Transitions let's us define multiple sub-transitions to run in parallel between two states. 

Multiple Transitions : Blueprint already lets us configure different transitions that allow a record to reach different states. Sometimes, however, there are multiple optional paths or actions that a user can select from to move a record to its next state. Multiple Transitions allows configuration of multiple transitions between two states in a Blueprint, allowing the user the freedom to choose one. 

Filters in Blueprint : Criteria set within a Blueprint lets us choose which records enter a Blueprint once it's created. But when you've already got a lot of records in your system you'd like to enforce your Blueprint process for, Include Blueprints lets you have your Blueprint configured for them as well. It also provides criteria based exclusion capabilities.

More details on Using CommandCenter and Blueprint together for a business process: 

Process Management and the automation that comes with it goes a long way in simplifying processes, providing direction, automating a lot of actions at the right time, and tracking customer behaviour. CRM offers two major process management features - Blueprint and CommandCenter. 

Blueprint is a process enforcing tool that defines your business process. It allows an admin the ability to divide a business process up into action blocks for user(s) in your organization. What shows up as a sequence of action blocks, each of them are configured to display contextual information, checklists, fields from the record that needs to be filled and more, by users in an organization. It also allows the creation of automated actions at the end of each of these blocks. 

CommandCenter's finish line is a display of the journey a record takes throughout this business process. It breaks down an entire business process too, but unlike Blueprint that guides a user through their actions to guide a record's journey, CommandCenter sets up a flow of automated actions, each triggered by the customer's interactions with the system, otherwise called signals. 

Recordings of the webinars will be updated here after the webinar is over, so watch this space for more. 

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