Follow lookup field link in subforms or reports
What am I missing here - there appears to be no way to drill into a record linked to as a lookup field, either in a subform, or as a column on a report.
How is a user supposed to be able to quickly navigate through related records?
Please add a magnifying/drill into button next to lookup fields, or make lookup fields displayed in reports a clickable link.
Please refer to the attached screenshots - as you can see I can create Master/Child set up but then there is no easy way to drill into a child from the Master.
This is turning into a showstopper for me, having spent 20+ hours learning creator and finding it 90% close to perfect for a lot of scenarios but the 10% that is missing is Essential.
Zoho you have spent so much effort building a pretty cool quick app creator only to make it unusable in a lot of ways.
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