Hey everyone!
Today, we have put together a guide on designing appointment scheduling site for businesses in the marketing industry. We hope that this guide will be useful to you and do not forget to share this with anyone who you know will benefit from this. So, let us begin!
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Do I need an attractive appointment scheduling site for my organization?
Notice how simple and attractive this scheduling site is.Marketing agencies need more attractive web pages than anyone else. Your online presence is the first piece of your work that your customers are going to see when they look for information about your organization. Hence, creating a good first impression by using an alluring and professional website is crucial to achieve this. In the past agencies used to get this done with just their websites but nowadays as an appointment scheduling has moved online, this is an additional area that needs to be taken care of as well. With the customization options that are available within Zoho Bookings, let us show you how to create a great looking appointment scheduling site that goes well with your website so that your customers are impressed right from the very start.
Why follow certain rules and guidelines while designing an appointment scheduling site?
Let us assume that since your organization is a marketing agency, you already have a website of your own. One of the things that your customers are likely to notice is how you have designed your website and your appointment scheduling site, if you have one. A well-designed combination of the two makes sure that both are done in a similar design language, which completes the visual styling that you have used to showcase your business. This signals to the customer that if you are ready to put in good effort to make your online presence very stylish and attractive, the quality of your service that you provide must also have similar quality and finesse. Furthermore, some customers who notice finer details like attention to detail will also be impressed, as they expect you to deliver results with similar attributes. In a nutshell, your website and appointment scheduling site should be designed so well that they should be able to sell your organization to your potential customers all by themselves, especially when they are comparing you to your competition.
Note: This guide will provide an overview of what you need to know while designing your appointment scheduling site in the education industry. If you need an in-depth walkthrough covering every step of the process, we recommend that you go through this
guide before continuing any further.
What do customers expect from your appointment scheduling site?
Most customers look for a clean and intuitive user experience from your appointment scheduling site. It should be attractive, non-obtrusive and informative simultaneously. Customers like it when they see a design that seamlessly flows from your website to the appointment scheduling site. The elements on the page should not be too tasking on their eyes and it should have sufficient information that they will need to know before booking an appointment with your organization. In order to achieve this, let us look at how you can design an appointment scheduling site like your website. Be it Marketing,
Fitness or any
other industry for that matter, having an attractive and good-looking appointment scheduling website can only work wonders for your business.
Designing your background image
Let us go over how to design the background image to your appointment scheduling site first. Remember the part about how we want out appointment scheduling site to follow a similar design to your website? To achieve this, we need to analyze your website carefully. We would like to suggest you to keep your company website in a separate tab on your browser as reference so that you can look at it anytime that you need during this guide. This also helps you to keep a track of the process so that you do not deviate from what we are aiming for in this guide. Now take a good, deep look at your company website and answer the following:
- Are there any images that are used on your company website? If yes, are there any similar images that you can obtain from within your organization?
- If no, then you are likely to find a color scheme that is used on your website. What are the major colors in that color scheme?
If you can get your hands on some images that are like the ones which are used on your website, look for one that has a single consistent color around the edges. This is because your company logo and your company name are populated on the top left corner of your appointment scheduling site, under which you should have close to nothing but a solid color on your background image. This is essential because your logo and company name need to be visible over your background to be viewed easily by your customers. If you are not able to find such an image, then you need to add a header on your background image with a contrasting, solid color to achieve the same result.
In case you do not have any images on your website, it is always better just to go with a background that has a solid color to match your website. Like we had mentioned earlier, analyze your website to identify the color that is present on the background of the website. We would suggest you to go with the same color as the background of the appointment scheduling site as well. This gives a uniform look to your website and your appointment scheduling site so that it looks attractive and as a part of the same design. If in case you possess some graphic editing skills, you can use them to create a custom background to your preference. The only thing that you must ensure is that the other page elements that will appear on top of your background image will need to be easily visible, which may require you to edit the background image accordingly.
Applying the color scheme on other elements
As for the color scheme, let us return to your company website. Keeping in mind that you are looking to create your appointment scheduling site that looks visually like your website and analyze your website once again. Once you have done that, try to answer the questions below with colors from your analysis:
- Which are the most dominant colors on your company website, other than those on the background image?
- Is your company logo in any specific color? If yes, which color is it? Is this color one of the dominant colors?
- Is any one of the colors used much more than the other dominant colors? If yes, which one is it?
If you have a set of colors that can answer these questions for you, then you have found what you were looking for. Remember that we needed to make a appointment scheduling site like the website? The colors that we have now are the same ones that will be applied to the appointment scheduling site as well. For applying these, you find that the elements that need your input for these colors are Background color, Text color, Button color and Button Text color. For the Background color, you can go with white or black according to your needs. Just ensure that your background image if present is sufficiently visible to you. As for the Text and Button colors, we would suggest the most dominant color that you must apply for them. Again, ensure that the color of the text contrasts well with the background image so that it is visible and legible to you. Also, we would suggest that you to look at the appointment scheduling site every time you make a change or apply a color so that you can make enough edits to your process if needed. This can be done by clicking on the Go To button that you will be able to see at the very end of the Workspace Settings.
Writing the text on your appointment scheduling site
The text above the buttons is the one place where you can write anything that you think is necessary on your appointment scheduling site. Since you are a part of a marketing agency, go ahead and get creative! Other than adding catch phrases, you can also add information that you think your customers should know about before booking their appointment. The text is placed in such a way above the buttons that the customer is very likely to the text before going over the buttons on the page. Therefore, you can either go with something that is relevant or you can use your own catchphrases on that space to entice your customers further. For more space to add text to your page, you will have to edit the background image in such a way that your additional text is visible in between all other elements on the page.
The final thing to do
We always advocate one thing to whoever is interested in designing their own appointment scheduling sites. After you think that you have done the best you can, get feedback from someone that you can trust like a colleague or a friend. Opinions from others give you ideas that you may not have thought of while you were busy focusing on designing your appointment scheduling site. If anyone is suggesting something that you may think is wrong or is unnecessary, try to understand the reason behind why that person is saying so. That reason may be sufficient to justify their opinion and make a case for it. Ensure that you do what you think is the best and that you have done the best that you can. At the end, your appointment scheduling site should be visually like your company website, have enough info for your customers and should be uncluttered and clean. If you have managed to do all of these then kudos, you have done it!