By The Grace of G-D.
How are you?
Right now, There is no Trigger for subform row edits and there is no way to trigger a workflow and a custom function only on subform edit.
The only way is to run the workflow whenever the Record (that contains the subform) is edited and it is a mess and messes up the Timeline and east up API Calls for nothing.
We thought of a workaround to Run a schedule to get the subform records (Rows) directly from the subform moudule (the table that holds the subform records) via coql with a filter to get only the records (Rows) that were changed in the last 24 hours and then get to their parent records from there.
But, looks like the subform rows only has Created_Time but not Modified_Time(?).
Is there something i'm missing here or is it not there on purpuse?
Best Regards,