According to the documentation for Face, one of the types of "for" loop is described as follows:
Object iteration
Iterate over objects
{% assign food = {"salt": "1 tbsp", "ketchup": "5 tbsp", "mustard" : "1 tbsp", "pickle": "2 tbsp"} %}
{% for ingredient, amount in food %}
Use {{ amount }} of {{ ingredient }}
{% endfor %}
Use 1 tbsp of mustard
Use 1 tbsp of salt
Use 5 tbsp of ketchup
Use 2 tbsp of pickle
Note: Order of iteration is random.
I have a couple of questions about this...
First, the description of "Iterate over objects" is a bit vague, as it really tells me nothing as to what this tag is intended for.
Second is the note at the end stating, "Order of iteration is random." (???) I'm not sure that makes any sense.
It seems that either the documentation is wrong, or perhaps that this tag simply never worked as intended, and as a result the poor fellow who had to write the documentation was attempting to describe the broken functionality as best as possible.
Can Zoho please provide some additional insight as to the original intent as well as the proper use of this particular tag?