I was wondering if I could get some help on a pivot table I'm building. It takes info from two different tables, a contact table and a deal table. The parent table is the contact one. I will include screenshots to help visualize the issue as well as explain it through text.
So it displays a Franchisee, a Franchisee Owner, Franchisee ID, and Deal Owner as the Rows. The actual data is the amount of deals total, deals made this month, and the number of active accounts. The deal information is taken from the deal table while the active accounts is taken from the contacts.
The issue is that the number of deals isn't being displayed properly but the grand total at the bottom is correct. Each deal owner is assigned to a Franchisee. They can be assigned to multiple Franchisees. It is supposed to display the number of deals made with each Franchisee however it is displaying their total deals for every franchisee in each row instead of the number of deals with that specific franchisee.
I'm sorry if I didn't explain it that well, here are screenshots which should help visualize it better