Power of Automation :: Automatically update task owner based on the team associated.

Power of Automation :: Automatically update task owner based on the team associated.

Hello Everyone,

A Custom function is a user-written set of code to achieve a specific requirement. Set the required conditions needed as when to trigger using the Workflow rules (be it Tasks / Project) and associate the custom function to it.


One of our customers has created a multi-user picklist field with the team names in the project layout. Whenever this field is updated with a user name from the respective team, the same user should be assigned as owner for all the tasks in which the Team is associated.

The above requirement was achieved using custom functions along with project workflow rules.

Here is the custom function code for one sample team name. The same code can be customized to add multiple teams. We just have to associate each custom function with the corresponding project workflow rules. Screenshot of the list of parameters to be mapped along with the sample Project workflow rules is attached for reference. 

Custom function code:-

endPoint = "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/";
endPointV3 = "https://projects.zoho.com/api/v3/portal/";
userId = "";
taskIds = List();
fieldName = "YYYYYY";
updateTaskParameter = Map();
if(picklist != null)
valueList = picklist.toList(",");
userParameter = Map();
usersResponse = invokeurl
url :endPointV3 + portalId + "/projects/" + projectId + "/users"
type :GET
users = usersResponse.get("users");
for each  user in users
for each value in valueList {
userId = userId + user.get("id") + ",";
userId = userId.removeLastOccurence(",");
taskParameter = Map();
taskResponse = zoho.projects.getRecords(portalId,projectId,"tasks",taskParameter,0,"XXXXXX");
tasks = taskResponse.get("tasks");
for each task in tasks {
teamNames = task.get("GROUP_NAME").get("ASSOCIATED_TEAMS").values();
for each teamName in teamNames {
updateTaskParameter = Map();
for each  taskId in taskIds
updateTaskResponse = zoho.projects.update(portalId,projectId,"Tasks",taskId,updateTaskParameter,"XXXXXX");
return "success";

Make sure to replace XXXXXXX with the Zoho Projects connections link name with the scopes ZohoProjects.projects.ALL, ZohoProjects.portals.ALL, ZohoProjects.users.ALL, Zohoprojects.tasks.ALL  and  YYYYYY with your Team name. 

We hope you found this post useful. If you have any questions or wondering if your requirement could be met using custom functions, feel free to share them in the comments section below.

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