Pre-selected Options for Checkbox and Radio Button Fields in Booking Forms

Pre-selected Options for Checkbox and Radio Button Fields in Booking Forms

Dear Zoho Bookings Support Team,

We'd like to request a new feature for Zoho Bookings that would enhance the flexibility and usability of booking forms: the ability to pre-select options within checkbox and radio button fields.

Current Functionality:

Zoho Bookings currently allows the creation of booking forms with checkbox and radio button fields. However, these fields do not offer a way to pre-select a default option that users can still change.

Feature Request:

We propose the introduction of an option to pre-select a specific choice within checkbox and radio button fields on booking forms. This pre-selected option would be presented to users as the default selection, but they would retain the ability to choose a different option if needed.


Improved User Experience: Pre-selecting a common option could streamline the booking process by suggesting the most likely choice. This could be particularly helpful for frequently chosen options.

Reduced Form Completion Time: By pre-selecting an option, users wouldn't need to actively choose it if it aligns with their needs, potentially saving them time during form completion.

Enhanced Information Gathering: Pre-selecting options could subtly guide users towards preferred choices, potentially leading to the collection of more valuable information for bookings.


The ability to pre-select options within checkbox and radio button fields would provide greater control over booking form design and potentially improve user experience and data collection. We believe this feature would be valuable for many Zoho Bookings users.

Thank you for considering this feature request.


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