

I am testing out your wiki to see if it is something we would like to transfer our current wiki to.  While playing around with it,  I have created a list of questions and or issues that I would like addressed before we make a decision.

I could find no way to move pages to a different section of the hierarchy.  Allows you to "duplicate page to" but only appears to allow you to duplicate to root.  Copy option seems to do the same thing. Have to delete and re-build the page where I want it. What is the difference between these two options and how can I move pages once they are created?

When importing a page I don't see an option allowing you to select where in the navigation you would like that page placed.  I have tried navigating to the section I would like it placed in, then importing - but it still sticks the imported page in root.  Given my issue above, how can I make sure this page is where I want it to be?  If there is a way to change the location - this means I have to import the page, then go through the steps to change the location rather than just determining the location when the import is created?

When I imported a page, it adds all this white-space around the top and side of the wiki.  Why does it do that and how do I correct? It doesn't appear to be a problem with the amount of content on the page as both this test page I did with one sentence, and a full report have the same issue  and

Defaults to alphabetical sorting, can you sort items regardless of alphabetical order?

I don't understand the "Custom Page Box". I thought that this would add a new element to the sidebar, but it is just creating a link in my normal navigation to a page it created, and I am forced to type what I want in an ugly green box that appears on the page.  If I delete that, content doesn't appear.  What is the point of this? Why wouldn't I just create a page from my navigation myself?  I think I need this function explained so I can understand how to use it.

Is there any way to add anything else to the sidebar?  For example links to our website, or social networking sites, javascript or any other widget like functionality?  

Under Quick search I see a "my links" and "edit this panel" but clicking edit only brings me to a blank page (I am using chrome and FF).  What is this suppose to do?

Can I add links to the navigation that link off-site?

From my testing it appears that adding javascript or flash videos to a page will not work.  How can I add flash videos or javascript?

The "Page Actions" box which contains the PDF and RSS options will only appear when logged in?  This seems like a useful option to appear regardless of whether the user is a guest or a member.  Is this a setting that can be changed somewhere?

Are there any "print page" options available in addition to the PDF and RSS?

Can the search function provide excerpts of pages that matched the users search query? Currently it only provides a list of page titles where the content within the page matched the query - page titles alone are not that helpful when searching.

I added some tags and searched for the tags specifically and no results were found.  Will the search function have the ability to search within tags at any time?

I don't see anywhere in the back end that notifies you when a comment has been posted, or is awaiting moderation.  If I don't click the box to receive a confirmation e-mail, or if for some reason that e-mail gets caught in spam or not received - there is no way of knowing a comment was posted unless you happen to check the page the comment is on.

Can I add any social sharing widgets, like "add this" ( to the wiki?  If so I want the ability to add it site-wide and not on a per-page basis.

I cannot add an administrator on the free plan, so cannot test but it says that administrators will have the same rights as the owner "except some options" can you tell me what these options are, as I do not see it listed anywhere.

Also, the free plan mentions I am limited to 3 users.  None of the plans mention the number of administrators you are limited to.  How do I find out how many administrators I can have with each plan?

Is there anyway to customize the comment form so you can request more information, or are my only options allow people to post as a "guest" with whatever they type in the name field, or sign in?

The free version has a list of links on the button "powered by zoho | Zoho | Wiki Index, etc.  I added my own footer, but that adds content above this list of links.  Is it possible to remove these links?

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