I have my invoices set to generate a Week Starting and Week Ending, which are Start of Week and End of Week. This calculates correctly when I manually generate the invoice.
But when using the Recurring Invoice option, it's pulling both dates wrong. I'm not sure where/how, the logic isn't clear.
So basically, if I generate an invoice today (Friday), my expectation is that Week Starting is Monday (9/16) and Week Ending is Sunday (9/22). But it generated a new Recurring Invoice with a Week Starting of 9/9 and a Week Ending of 9/20 (today). Which makes no sense to me - but I suspect I created the recurring sometime last week and forgot, and it's still keying off of that day for the Week Starting. I have no idea where it's getting Week Ending from. Makes me wonder if it's pre-generated invoices but just doesn't show them until the schedule, rather than generating them on the fly.
I can create manually, for me at this point it's 3 steps, but I wanted it to queue up the invoice so I can just change the Invoice # (I have my own convention that the tool can't accommodate) and send it. But the date range accuracy is critical to my client.