I really need to set up a system for tracking business tasks, my staff and I were doing really well with the Connect program. The only issue I had was I could not set a task to repeat. It became enough of an issue that I had to go back to Projects, but Projects isn't quite what I need. Someone told me a while back that they were planning to add this feature, but they didn't know when it would be available. Do you have any idea when I will be able to set recurring tasks using Connect? Please give me good news. Thank You!!
Hello Zoholics! We at Zoho know that improving productivity and collaboration among your employees is vital to the success of your business. We believe in this idea so strongly that we built an entire set of applications devoted to this! Zoho applications such as Mail, Docs, Projects, Connect, etc. all seamlessly integrate with one another, allowing for greater productivity and collaboration among your teams. Not only do we think businesses like yours