Remote Assistance Issue

Remote Assistance Issue

Hello Sundar,

What happened to you guys? No replies anymore to issue reports?

Please find a copy of my emails I sent since last Friday to your email address and the support email address.

Friday, March 12th:
I had a Remote Assistance session appointment tonight, when I discovered
an issue.

The Canonical (Linux/Ubuntu) edition of Firefox 3.6 (Namoroka 3.6.2pre)
accepts to start your flash viewer only anymore when I initiate a remote
session. On customer's side your usual java viewer was started, and
there appears to be an incompatibility. It was not possible to remote
Customer's viewer showed that the session was started, mine showed it
still was NOT started.

I tried also to connect to my customer with Opera 10.10. It started the
java viewer, but then asked me for my Proxy credentials, although I have
none. So again, there was no chance to remote connect to my customer.

Would you be so kind please, to look into these issues?

If you need me for trouble shooting assistance, I have a pretty crazy
day tomorrow (Saturday), and will not be available before 3:00pm UTC.

If somehow possible, I would be happy, if this issue could be re-solved
tomorrow as I have the next remote assistance appointment on Sunday already.

Saturday, March 13th:
This is a quick update to my last night emailed issue report.

I did a blind session today with Google Chrome (5.0.307.9 beta) and,
according to the way it started the remote viewer, it seems it will be
possible to perform remote assistance with it.

I assume very much, due to these experiences listed in my original email
dated yesterday, that there might be an issue in the configuration of
your system, if there are running 2 browsers of the same brand, but
different version, between customer and assistant side.

Please, look into described issues and keep me posted.

Sunday, March 14th:
Today I had the 2nd appointment for the remote assistance session,
originally scheduled for last Friday (Please read issues described in
email sent March 12th - the very last part of this email update.).

According to experience made today there definitely must be an
(intermittent) issue with your software.

First details of OSs and browsers used:
Customer: Windows 7 - Home, Browser Firefox 3.6
My PC: Ubuntu/Linux 9.10, Browser Google Chrome (5.0.307.9 beta).

I ran the easiest procedure for the customer to connect - via an email
invitation. Customer clicked the link like usual and then "Join
session"... nothing happened. Customer downloaded the "run.exe" file,
installed, followed the commands, it connected successful.

On customer's second PC strange things happened: Same invitation
procedure as above, but instead of the Zoho-Meeting setup file customer
received a "join.exe" or similar. Customer tried download for 3 times
and received all the times the same file. Anyway, customer even
installed and clicked join, nothing happened.
As a work-around customer copied the .exe file received on first PC, and
installed it on the second PC, followed the same procedure like on PC #1
.. but ... nothing happened.
My viewer was constantly on standby, informing me he was waiting for the
presenter to connect.

Please, get back to me at your earliest convenience as this issue has to
be cleared ASAP.

Sundar, I know you are very busy ... but above described issues block my business in the moment.
Please contact me as soon as possible, I have the next appointment with the same customer already tomorrow.

Thank you in advance, have a good day.

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