Geo Heat Maps can be used to display data on a geographical map, with color codes based on the density of points in a particular area.
Using this map:
You can easily identify spatial patterns in geographic data.
You can indicate the pattern of occurrence, for example, regions with most deforestation and climatic changes, density of traffic by location, regions with very high / very low sales, regions with high magnitude / high frequency earthquakes, high rainfall precipitation regions, regions with high air traffic etc.
Now, let us see how to create a Geo Heat Map.
From the required Workspace, click Create > Chart View.
Choose the base table name from the Select Base Table dialog.
Add the required columns in the appropriate shelves of the Graph tab.
Click the Click here to Generate Graph link.
Zoho Analytics will automatically detect the presence of a geo value type in the dropped columns and will generate a Map Chart. Also, if there is a presence of a metric value in the Color tab, a Heat Map will be auto-generated.
You can also manually generate a Geo Heat Map chart by navigating through the charts available and selecting Geo Heat Map chart.
You can further customize the Heat Density, Heat Radius, and Heat Opacity of your Geo Heat Map in Zoho Analytics.
Shown below is a video on creating a Geo Heat Map chart.
That's how simple a Geo Heat Map can be generated.