Social Media Simplified with Zoho Social: Target your posts for a particular location

Social Media Simplified with Zoho Social: Target your posts for a particular location

When you curate your content specific to certain geographic locations, you can also post it by targeting the location and its audience through the geo-targeting feature. Refining your audience in this manner will help you connect a lot better with them, and also with other businesses in the same physical location. Your tailored content will thereby reach your target audience segment in a quicker and more efficient way.

Geo-targeting your posts on Facebook and LinkedIn can help achieve many benefits, including:
  • Localize content: You can localize your content specific to any events, offers, and promotional discounts for people in a specific geographical location, even posting it in the local language.
  • Target a specific audience: Target advertising of your product or service to users in a particular location and increase conversion.
  • Understand the market: Before you decide to launch in a location, geo-targeting can help you understand its market and preferences and their perception about your brand via social media polls or other engaging posts.
  • Communicate better: Geo-targeting is a proven way to easily communicate things like store updates related to safety, availability, offers, etc.
Say you recently opened a few branches of an international fitness center in multiple cities in India. You offer both online and offline training, and to keep your social game strong, you've created accounts on social media to stay connected with your customers and potentials. You're also planning to build an online community who can follow you for training updates and some fitness-related content. Social media updates have been going out regularly from your team, and you have engagement from a set of regulars at your gym and some online customers, but you want to expand your community and let more people know about a new branch you're opening in Delhi. So, you've decided to launch the center and announce some promotional offers on social media, particularly Facebook, where you have the most followers.

To do this, don't you think it'll be better if you target people in India, who'll find this offer relevant and beneficial? You can do so by targeting your Facebook posts to that particular location, so that your audience can actually make a decision to walk in to the gym and enroll for a membership using the offer.

Consider another situation where you're a recruiter in your company in New York, and you're looking to hire someone for your marketing team urgently. You're planning to post the requirement on LinkedIn, as it's one of the most active professional platforms for people who're seeking for jobs. You can target your post to your audience based on their locations and job functions. This narrows down the people who'll see the post and can also help you achieve relevant responses for the job role.

Let's look at how you actually target your Facebook and LinkedIn posts to a specific geographic location while posting from Zoho Social. In the compose window, once you've added the content and relevant media, click  to set your target location. For Facebook posts, you can choose specific countries, and for LinkedIn posts, you can choose countries and job functions. While scheduling a post for your Facebook Page, you also have an option to use the Time warp feature, which lets you post consistently at a specific time across multiple time zones. For instance, if you want a post to go live at 6 PM, then it will go live at 6 PM across all time zones.

  • For geo-targeting your posts, select only the channel (Facebook/LinkedIn) you want to post to in the compose window.
  • Your post must target atleast 300 followers.
Now that you've posted, sit back and expect some great engagement! 

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