Dear Zoho Corp.,
it feels for us frustrating to see so many time and date format settings spread all over on each Zoho apps, with each one having its own uniqueness.
We understand there could be some application-specific needs to address but we'd like to see the ability to set from Zoho One the default behaviour allowing the admin to set application-specific exceptions.
We're also writing to address the issue we're facing with some apps (Zoho Sign, Zoho Forms, Doc Scanner) for which the date is displayed as DD-Mon(th)-YYYY (20-mar-2020), especially when saving a file using the great automation tools available that are made completely useless for us by this.
We'd like to have the ability to set the output date to DD/MM/YYYY (Zoho Workdrive on Mac can't even upload file with this given filename as it will substitute "/" with ":") or DD-MM-YYYY. For some filename we'd also like to choose the YYYY/MM/DD (or YYYY-MM-DD) format to make it easier to find files in folder ordered by name.
We'd also like to see the ability for Zoho apps to create a new folder when a certan criteria is matched (for example, a new year comes) so that reports with the date in their filename (2020-03-20) will stay ordered by name in each year folder (2020 > 2020-03-20.docx) and a new folder will be automatically each new year.
Kindly regards
Marco Carolli